


今回はSPeakのマーケターリーダー Peter(ピーター)を紹介したいと思います!




1. Why did you choose to work in SPeak?

    There are actually various reasons to why I chose to work at SPeak. Initially, because I studied at Ritsumeikan APU, where there are a lot of international students, I understood the disadvantages and advantages of living as one in Japan. Many foreign students also came to study in Japan, to, later on, start a career. I was also one of them, but one different thing I wanted to do was create an impact.

    When the time came where I had to start job hunting, it was really hard and tough, especially because the job-hunting system is quite different from other countries. The system in Japan is not really flexible, and I realized that there are so many things students can improve and should know earlier. The job-hunting system in Japan is foreign to me and quite different from other countries. Which could have drawbacks but also some benefits. Some benefits include having kenshuu or training. However, the drawbacks are, having to go to all the setsumeikai and tons of paperwork to do which gets frustrating.

    I chose to work at SPeak because I believe that there’s a lot of things that Speak can change for international students and for society itself. I’m the type of person that likes challenges and my dream is to make a mark in this world. Working in a company with the same routine is not challenging enough for me.

    One of the things I really cherish here in SPeak, is the environment that allows me to grow and express ideas. I’m able to meet many university students, and also here there is no hierarchy or rank which makes it much more comfortable for me.

2. What are you doing at SPeak?

     Currently, my job title is as a Content Marketer Lead at SPeak, but actually I do a lot of other things because it’s a start-up and I need to manage many other things in different departments. Some of my job includes managing journalists, creating marketing materials such as design, approaching new ideas, develop new ways for sales, and many more. So I actually don't have one specific job description.

3. What’s the most important thing you have learned at SPeak

     I grew a lot as a professional within the past 6 months working for SPeak even though I am still a fresh graduate. I learned a lot by doing because working in SPeak allows me to take responsibilities that most fresh-graduates won’t get until they work for 1 year. I believe my communication and planning skills grew significantly because I handle both clients and candidates at the same time, as well as contributor journalists from variety of backgrounds. Management skill is also something that I improved because I have to manage resources, plan and prepare which step we should do next as a team in order to coordinate with external members. Since the company is still very new, the first few months have been very tough, but as we keep on going and improving as a team, things are going the way we envisioned it to be.

4. What is the strength in SPeak?

     As a whole brand, I think SPeak’s mission is one of its strengths. Speak is not just a company. We are a community that is comprised of young talents from different countries, trying to make a change. We want to improve based on real opinions on what the students want. Bringing the best user experience is embedded in our business plan. To summarize it we are a student-oriented company and not the average HR firm trying to sell you a job.We put importance on the “human” in human resources. To us, people are the most important.

生死を共にする宣言を行った桃園の誓いのSPeakの3人(They promised to change Japan together)

5.What kind of people would you like to work with.

     There are three things I look for when working someone, an Action-taker, Team Plater, and someone that Never Gives up.


     I’m always eager to work with people who have ideas! Especially people who can also take action to make their ideas come to life. You can have so many ideas on your own but executing the plan, collaborating with others; those are the ideal characteristic that I look for in a colleague. A team player who can take action! That’s the attitude that professionals should have

・ Never give up 諦めない!!!

     Personally, I don’t like people who easily give up. In my opinion, working in a startup is 5 times harder than a normal company, so someone who does not give up and loves challenges is perfect for this environment. There are many more responsibilities in a startup company. If something goes wrong and complains about how hard work is without trying to fix things, that attitude won’t take you anywhere. If you fail you have to keep trying! Nothing is a better lesson than failure. Think about the most inspirational person that always pops up in the back of your head and think for a second that if that person gives up, will that person be in the position he/she in?

Some extra tips:

      I really recommend people that are searching for an internship, to go for companies similar to SPeak or other startup companies. As I was also previously an international student, SPeak would be a good place because it offers flexibility and openness but also strict work ethics. Interns here have the same responsibility as a shaikaijin. When you work in any startup, you will have the mentality of wanting to grow and innovate which will definitely be useful for the future!

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