
Vim Lover ~ Editors are unadorned and straight ~


My name is Kentaro Sakamoto and I am the president of Definer Inc.
My name is Kentaro Sakamoto.
Wantedly seems to be proposing the concept of "empathetic hiring," and I felt that I should express my values as a representative of Wantedly, so I created this article.

This time, I would like to talk about my favorite editors such as vim.

I like vim.

I love vim. It's plain and clunky, and the fact that saving and updating is done declaratively with commands is cute. However, it is quite dynamic when you use advanced commands. I feel that vim is truly an editor that has been developed with the Linux philosophy in mind.

I feel relieved every time I see vim.

I like the Sakura editor.

When I was a Windows user, (I have a Windows computer for PowerPoint and Excel, of course. I use a Mac Book Pro for the basics.)

I was told by a senior engineer that I should become best friends with Sakura Editor. I think we became best friends because he told me to do so.

I like the design of the line breaks in Sakura Editor. And that pale cherry blossom cake-like color.

I like Cot Editor.

On the Mac, I use Cot Editor. It is a bit different from Sakura Editor and has a more Western simplicity.

Visual Studio Code is still high spec

On the other hand, coloring and auto-review of source code is still Visual Studio Code.

I love vim, but I also love Visual Studio Code.

For those who have read this

If you have read this far, I am sure we share some values, and I would be very happy if we could talk casually first.
Definer, Inc. is looking for people to work with.
