
Reverse Career Fair March 2020

Trent Global College, in collaboration with Code Institute, is one of the IMDA TESA supported Bootcamps here in Singapore.

Upon the completion of our 4-7months of intensive full-stack coding programme, graduates are awarded a Diploma in Software Development. This Diploma is university credit-rated by Edinburgh Napier University and the content is regularly reviewed by a team of industry advisors, so you can sure that they are being instructed on some of the most relevant languages and practices today.

In summary, our students are skilled in the following languages and frameworks:

1) Bootstrap

2) Python

3) My SQL

4) Flask

5) Django

6) MongoDB

7) Jquery

Why a Reverse Career Fair?

1. An open and relaxed environment – get to know the next generation of developers on a personal level.

2. Get to see what our students can do – for students to showcase their technical knowledge and expertise through their 4 completed projects.

3. Dedicated Session- 2 hours of our students’ undivided attention to understand your company’s needs.

Event Details

Over the course of a week from (dates to be confirmed), companies can book a 2-hour slot with our graduates between 10am-5pm*.

(*Time slots are available on a first come first serve basis, so we encourage you to sign up as early as possible to avoid missing out!)

If you are interested in taking part in our Reverse Career Fair or looking to hire Fresh Tech-Talents, you can indicate your interest in our meetup segement!

For more information about our bootcamp, click here: http://bit.ly/codingdip

Trent Global College of Technology & Managementでは一緒に働く仲間を募集しています
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