
Summer 2023 Edition: Your Ultimate Guide to Career Resources!

Are you ready to turn up the heat on your career this summer? Look no further! We've curated a comprehensive list of career resources to help you confidently navigate the job market. Whether you're a fresh grad or contemplating a transition in your career, we've got you covered with the essential resources you need. So grab your sunglasses because your future is looking bright! ☀️😎

At Wantedly, we understand job seekers' challenges in today's competitive landscape. That's why we present this exclusive list of career resources specially designed to accelerate your path to work success. Our objective is to empower and equip you with a wealth of wisdom and practical tools that pave the way to new exciting opportunities and growth for you to succeed in your professional journey. Let's unveil the resources you've been waiting for without further ado!

  1. Big Interview: A platform to prepare individuals for industry-specific interviews, helping them improve their interview skills and increase job offers.
  2. Bold at Work: A career resource hub empowering fresh graduates with practical advice, insights, and tools to navigate the professional world confidently.
  3. Coursemology: An online directory listing training providers in Singapore that offer courses to enhance workers' employability through skills upgrading and development.
  4. Google Professional Career Certificates: Programs designed to equip individuals with in-demand skills for high-demand fields like IT support, project management, data analytics, and UX design.
  5. LinkedIn Learning: An online platform offering a vast library of video-based courses taught by industry experts across various fields to enhance professional skills and knowledge.
  6. TED Talks: Short and thought-provoking presentations by experts and innovators, including career-related topics, inspiring and providing valuable insights.
  7. Trent: A comprehensive career platform connecting fresh graduates with job opportunities and offering resources to enhance their employability.
  8. Udemy: An online learning platform providing video-based courses on various subjects, supplemented with materials and quizzes to enhance the learning experience.
  9. Vertical Institute: Upskilling opportunities with tech boot camps and beginner-friendly courses in coding, data, design, and digital marketing.
  10. Workforce SG: A comprehensive job-hunting initiative featuring tips from industry experts to help individuals navigate their job search successfully.
  11. Workology: An online resource hub for managers, leaders, Human Resources (HR), and recruiting professionals in the HR industry.
  12. Young NTUC: Tailored career resources and programs supporting young graduates' professional development and aspirations.
  1. 42 Singapore: An inclusive Information and Communications Technology (ICT) school providing tuition-free training in high-demand tech skills through hands-on, project-based learning in a gamified environment, fostering technical and soft skill development.
  2. Hatch: Empowering students with industry-centric boot camps in Digital Marketing and UI/UX Design to enhance employability prospects.
  3. Harvard University: Offers a wide range of courses which are designed to provide accessible and flexible education across various disciplines to learners around the world through its Harvard Extension School and HarvardX platforms.
  4. Khan Academy: A non-profit organisation offering free online courses and resources across diverse subjects like math, science, programming, history, art, and more.
  5. NTU Career Tracks: A comprehensive online career guide from NTU featuring articles and resources to prepare students for success in the ever-evolving world of work.
  6. Skillshare: An online learning platform with a wide array of courses and tutorials, specialising in creative skills like design, photography, writing, illustration, and business and technology-related topics.
  1. BCG: Offering upskilling programs to advance careers or pivot into digital roles.
  2. Career Bliss: Aims to enhance workplace happiness, Career Bliss offers free resources such as the "happiness assessment" to help individuals lead happier lives.
  3. Coursera: An online learning platform partnering with top universities worldwide, delivering high-quality education across various subjects and fostering global community engagement.
  4. E2i: Providing career advice and coaching services in partnership with WSG/Employment and Employability Institute (e2i).
  5. edX: An online learning platform offering courses from prestigious institutions, delivering exceptional educational content and enabling learners to collaborate, access course materials, and earn certificates or credentials.
  6. Future Learn: Collaborating with global universities and institutions, FutureLearn offers diverse courses that equip learners with valuable skills for professional development through engaging with course materials and discussions.
  7. LevelUP Career Mentoring: Equipping young adults with foundational career mentoring skills and know-how in the workplace.
  8. MasterClass: Online platform offering video courses taught by renowned experts, allowing learners to access pre-recorded lessons, downloadable materials, and engaging interactive assignments.
  9. SkillsFuture: A government portal in Singapore that provides comprehensive skills training and supports career development.
  10. Upskill Today: Providing courses to build a talent pool for local Digital Transformation initiatives, offering a pathway to a successful and well-paid career through upskilling.

Remember, the journey to career success can be tough. It requires dedication, perseverance, and a willingness to seize new opportunities. With these career resources at your fingertips, you'll be equipped to navigate any challenges that come your way.

So, whether you're dipping your toes in the job market for the first time or considering a career change, dive into this Summer 2023 Edition of career resources and set sail towards your dream career. Happy exploring, and may this summer mark the beginning of an extraordinary chapter in your professional journey! 💼✨

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