Nanyang Technological University, Singapore / Bachelors Degree
• Developed a game in which users control the growth of a root and must grow as deep as possible by avoiding all the obstacles in the way. • Incorporated Unity and C# to develop the game.
• Created an interactive easy-to-use Telegram Bot to help users gain quick information about Carpark Availability and report issues/faults present in an individual’s HDB or estate. • Utilized Python Programming and Heroku platform to develop bot
I aspire to make a difference in companies by working with like-minded and highly innovative individuals.
Major in Computer Science Minor in Business
• Applied Java to create a movie ticket booking system • Leveraged object-oriented programming theories and a GitHub repository to create applications.
Developed Data Science and Artificial Intelligence Project that: • Conducted Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA) and implemented machine learning models such as Regression Trees and Linear Regression on Pandas and Jupyter Notebook. • Achieve an accuracy of 96%
• Acquired knowledge of the ServiceNow platform by shadowing a senior developer • Developed a project for NCS (National Computer Systems) by applying the ServiceNow software and JavaScript. • Contributed to meetings with clients to understand requirements and provided solutions to needs; Enhanced interpersonal skills.