
Carmera3 years

Senior Product Manager


- Led team of eight engineers to build computer vision-aided tools for localizing and editing 3D map features from dash cam video data - Reduced manual editing time per event by 60% and improved accuracy of localized map feature by 30%

Senior Software Engineer

- Built a real-time event tracking pipeline and storage solution for construction events detected by dash cam - Built a quality evaluation platform to process maps and run geometric and relational quality checks

Amazon4 years

Software Engineer


Amazon Rentals: - Launched Amazon rental platform for renting textbooks, musical instruments, cameras, etc. - Expanded existing returns platform to be compatible with rental returns

University of Washington4 years

Computer Science



Alana Ohnoさん


Wantedlyユーザー もしくは つながりユーザーのみ閲覧できる項目があります



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