
Talk is cheap, show me the code.

常に main programmer として仕事しいます。 九年の web full-stack engineer, backend engineer, frontend engineer 三年の web architect(backend + frontend + ops)として、14人の tech manager 務めていました JavaScript stack を精通しています、四年の重度 TypeScript ユーザー



中国の上海に住んでいるんが、海外へ移住したいので。 今すぐでも日本へ行き仕事することがしたい。

ARKIE (Shanghai, China)4 years

core team, Web Architect


As a web architect & tech lead of 14 member-team:


    An Intelligent 2D Graphic Platform for Enterprise ## Aims - To improve performance of enterprise-leveled patterned graphic making - To reduce cost of graphic creativity ## Customers - KFC - China - Bank of Ningbo - China - BMW - China - Semir - China ##Functions - Create and edit visual design components (with a profession web-based visual editor which has a completely TS implemented grid/font layout/rendering 2D core) - Create and edit design concepts, containers and reference visual design components - Define, create and edit abstract entities for specific scenes by meta-programming - Bootstrap design components, concepts, containers with specific scenes. Make graphics ## Tech Stacks - Heavy user of TypeScript with some transformer extensions - Frontend: React, Mobx, WebSocket, WASM (lightly) ... - Backend: NodeJS, NestJS, MongoDB, Redis ... - ETC: GitLab CI, Docker + Kubernetes, ELK, OpenResty, Swagger, Aliyun Serverless ... ## Me As web architect & tech lead for the 14 member-team. The responsibilities same as the role in company.


Meituan (Shanghai, China)2 years

海外ホテル&旅行部, Senior Frontend Engineer


As a senior frontend engineer: - Design of team frontend architecture and infrastructure - Planing and execute the performance improvement for web - Initiate and drive new infrastructures - Contribute other internal infrastructures

  • Snaptest

    An automatic web quality linter platform. (company internal project) - base on `puppeteer` - UI, HTTP request and other behaviors as snapshots - Scan, make base story, bootstrap pages, define snapshot point automatically - With an interactive UI in git local and PR flow by an GUI client base on `electron` - Make overrides or custom directives by writing plugins - High coverage types and docs ## Main Tech Stacks - TypeScript - NodeJS - Electron ## ME Initiator & Main Contributor


PubuIM (Shanghai, China)2 years

Fullstack engineer


As one of main-developers:

  • PubuIM

    A Slack-liked modern IM for work. ## ME Did frontend, backend, ops, oncall as main developer


GLobal Market Group (Guangzhou, China)1 year

Frontend Engineer


As a frontend developer: - Build internal NodeJS Server middleware for internal infrastructures - Design and implement internal open SDK for internal BFF

Huayi Enterprise Management Consulting (Shanghai, China)2 years

Web Developer


As a web developer: - Implement webapps by PHP and JavaScript - Deploy and maintenance

江南大学(中国)3 years




  • Chinese - Native
  • English - Conversational
  • Japanese - Professional
