日本語OK! Tech: Full-Stack MERN , Ruby on Rails, Postgresql, HTML, CSS, Javascript, SQL, MongoDB, Node.Js, React.Js, Express.js Docker Ex-Project Manager at National Bank of Canada turned Software Engineer.
I wish to join a team of developers and contribute to interesting projects as a back-end engineer.
9-week full-time intensive coding bootcamp learning HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, JavaScript ES6, SQL, git, GitHub, Heroku and Ruby on Rails. Designed, implemented and shipped to production a clone of AirBnB and a Rails prototype of http://www.split-it.me/.
10-days coding challenge. Split-it, a mobile-first, progressive web app developed in Rails that allows households to scan their receipts using OCR to track, archive and split their expenses evenly.
5 days coding challenge. Chef_space, a web app developed in Rails using geocoding and mapbox that allows its user to rent locations to chefs.
Financial Crimes, AML & Compliance IT Project Management.
Kirk Paradisさん
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