
  • Web Engineer
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Engineers who want to build a career

Web Engineer

on 2022/07/08



Engineers who want to build a career

Online interviews OK

Song Yu

Starting his engineering career back as a student and becoming a full stacker by graduation, Song has started several companies in multiple indsutries. Has a wide range of experience from planning projects to management and recently is focusing on training young people. Founded Evolany back in March 2018.

Christian Forestell

Experience in starting multiple companies and also has handled almost 1,000 clients as a head hunter. Speciality in several fields such as product design and marketing. The co-founder of Evolany.

中村 元宣

人材系で200名以上のセールスチームのマネージメント及び数社の経営に携わる。 2020年5月よりエボラニ株式会社にジョイン 主にバックオフィス、人材育成などを担当

Toshikazu Horioka

新卒で外資系SIerに入社して、半年後にはインドでの駐在を経験。 1年間のインド駐在中にフロントエンドを独学で習得。 帰国後はエボラニに入社し、宋(CEO)の指導の下3か月でフルスタックエンジニアに。 その半年後にはPMとしての経験もスタートさせ、現在はテクニカルサイドのPMとして大手企業の案件を中心に担当。


Starting his engineering career back as a student and becoming a full stacker by graduation, Song has started several companies in multiple indsutries. Has a wide range of experience from planning projects to management and recently is focusing on training young people. Founded Evolany back in Mar...


The culture at Evolany is flat, international, flexible and fair. We recognise the power of different points of view, and respect the idea that ‘failure is the best way to learn’. We regulary cook, eat and drink, celebrate birthdays, milestones and special events together. Evolany was extablished in March 2018 with the mission of popularising miniapps in Japan (and eventually abroad!). Since then, we have been at the forefront of miniapp technology, partnering with numerous enterprise-grade clientele, global brands, and even corner shops and up-and-coming brands. ▼ Evolany Co., Ltd. https://evolany.com/ https://anybot.me/ ■ We’re creating the future Going forward, we’re concerned with how AI, 5G and big data will play out at the consumer level, and are actively engaged in creating business plans and implementing models that take these new technologies and concepts into account. ■ We’re aiming for Worldclass Technology As a leader in domestic miniapp technology, we’re continually refining our service offerings from an engineering, business and design perspective. We have a knack for turning out high-quality software at speed. ■ We believe in giving people a chance We hire kind people with high potential. While we’re committed to the idea that ‘age is only a number,’ the majority of our employees are young and ambitious. We assign tasks based on skill and interest, and encourge our staff to create their own career plan. ■ We’re building an international company, domestically. Our office languages are Japanese and English. And Chinese. Even a bit of Bahasa. Our multilingual, multicultural environment is our biggest advantage.
Miniapp that meets all your needs
new office


Miniapp that meets all your needs

new office

The culture at Evolany is flat, international, flexible and fair. We recognise the power of different points of view, and respect the idea that ‘failure is the best way to learn’. We regulary cook, eat and drink, celebrate birthdays, milestones and special events together. Evolany was extablished in March 2018 with the mission of popularising miniapps in Japan (and eventually abroad!). Since then, we have been at the forefront of miniapp technology, partnering with numerous enterprise-grade clientele, global brands, and even corner shops and up-and-coming brands. ▼ Evolany Co., Ltd. https://evolany.com/ https://anybot.me/ ■ We’re creating the future Going forward, we’re concerned with how AI, 5G and big data will play out at the consumer level, and are actively engaged in creating business plans and implementing models that take these new technologies and concepts into account. ■ We’re aiming for Worldclass Technology As a leader in domestic miniapp technology, we’re continually refining our service offerings from an engineering, business and design perspective. We have a knack for turning out high-quality software at speed. ■ We believe in giving people a chance We hire kind people with high potential. While we’re committed to the idea that ‘age is only a number,’ the majority of our employees are young and ambitious. We assign tasks based on skill and interest, and encourge our staff to create their own career plan. ■ We’re building an international company, domestically. Our office languages are Japanese and English. And Chinese. Even a bit of Bahasa. Our multilingual, multicultural environment is our biggest advantage.


As a toolkit designed for SME’s and embraced by multinational enterprises, we believe that anybot miniapps can “level the digital playing field”, helping ensure our client’s success regardless of size. By providing cutting edge, cost effective miniapp technology to our clientele, they can in turn provide convenient, useful services to their customers. ■ Cutting edge Multichannel CMS > Our core product, anybot, is a no-code / low-code miniapp platform. With anybot businesses can create, manage and publish chatbots and miniapps in LINE, Facebook Messenger, and Web. If it can be built as an app, it can be built as a miniapp. CRM > the anybot CRM is the database that builds itself. Included with all miniapps and chatbots, the anybot CRM automatically tracks and logs all customer interactions and data. Marketing Automation > advanced customer segmentation features give our clients the power to broadcast the right message to the right customer. Communication Hub > anybot supports LINE, Messenger, Email, Phone, and more. ■ Cost-effective Compared to regular smartphone apps, miniapps can be built in less than half the time and at 1/3rd the cost. ■ Convenient and useful Since anybot chatbots and miniapps are launched inside LINE, Messenger or Web, users can enjoy our services without having to download an app from the app store or create a user profile. What is miniapp? https://youtu.be/zMDCgvCYDJ0


Hungry? Thirsty? Tired of sitting at your desk? We’ve got you covered. Our office has various themes and spaces to eat lunch, work, have meetings, or just sit and chat. ■ Free drinks and snacks Drinks like coffee, tea and beer are regularly stocked and free for the taking! We also have a range of snacks and omiyage as well, so you’ll never go hungry with us. If you have any food or drink preferences, just ask. ■ We’ll pay for your success Is there a new book, course, or software that will help you succeed? If it’s not already in our library, let us know and we’ll buy it for you. ■ Games, boxing, darts. We have a collection of games, a “cycling desk” to work at while getting in some exercise, a heavy bag to punch, and a dart board ready. Go ahead and challenge your coworkers to a friendly game, or work off some stress! ■ Your tools, your environment Mac or Windows? It’s up to you. Either use one of our office computers or request a new one that suits you better. You can work at your standing desk or find a quiet place to sit and work in our casual open area. ■ TGIF... or any day We gather a few nights per month to cook, eat, drink and chat. Takoyaki, Nabe, beef, and curries; we love to cook!


At Evolany we work with SMEs and Enterprise-grade clientele alike. As Japan’s miniapp pioneers, we aim to continuously inspire our clients and those around us. We look for people who are responsible and ready to take on a challenge in creating new and exciting products. ▼Job Description - Build websites and miniapps using HTML/CSS/JavaScript - API Creation and troubleshooting - Bug fixes/improvements/maintenance/documentation - Front-end/back-end development ▼Qualifications - Empathize with our mission and values - Experience in website and application development - HTML5/CSS3/JavaScript - Back-end dev experience - Documentation Experience (design / development) - English reading/writing (speaking not required) ▼Welcomed skills - Server-side design and development using JS - Project management (PM) experience - UI/UX experience (Figma / Sketch) - Business level English or Chinese - Knowledge and experience in human resource development ▼The type of people we are looking for are: - Proactive team workers - Interested in the latest technology trends - Interested in continuous learning - Consistent with the quality of their work - Flexible to change - Able to work independently - Able to think logically - Think you lack experience? Dont worry, we will help you build your career! ▼Why you should join us - Help us pioneer the miniapp era - Work with a young, like-minded team - Multiple career tracks based on skill and interest Thank you for visiting our page! If you're interested in learning more about us we are more than welcome in having a casual chat online or at our Shin-Yokohama office. We look forward to meeting you!



    1. 応募する「話を聞きに行きたい」から応募
    2. 会社からの返信を待つ
    3. 話す日程を決める
    4. 話を聞きに行く




    • Funded more than $1,000,000/
    • CEO can code/
    • Funded more than $300,000/

    横浜市港北区新横浜2-4-19 富士火災横浜ビル7F