Masashi Yamaguchi
・2007年ゴールドマン・サックス・アセット・マネジメント入社。 運用投資戦略部にてポートフォリオ・マネージャーを務め、日本国内法人の資産運用に従事。 ・2012年にGoldman Sachs(在NY) へ移籍後は、欧米事業法人、大学基金、SWF等15兆円の資産配分、タクティカル・アセット・アロケーション の計量運用責任者を歴任。 ・2019年7月、株式会社sustenキャピタル・マネジメント創業、代表取締役CIOに就任。 ・京都大学大学院情報学研究科修了(修士)。日本証券アナリスト協会検定会員
Thomas Roux
Software developer and manager with a broader experience in various industries, moved from France to Japan.
Jeff CHU
A former software sales engineer in Taiwan and implementation consultant in a big 4 firm in Tokyo. My strong interest in finance and data analysis bring me to the current role where I can make use of technology to support decision making with data.
Jocelyn Yuan
台湾出身 中国語・英語・日本語 I am a multilingual(Mandarin, English, Japanese), analytical, self-driven person who is passionate about technology and enjoys finding solutions to different problems. I have built several applications using different programming languages including Ruby on Rails and Python to solve problems people are facing in their daily life. Contributions to my former International coordinator role in Tokyo, I have developed a strong ability to learn and grow and solve problems using communication and analytical thinking skills in a dynamic environment. As a team player, I am collaborative with peers, searching for ways to integrate valuable insights. In 2021, I left my position to pursue the master's degree in computer science. During this time I have developed a proficiency in technical and programming skills. Having completed the course, I am looking for my next role where I can apply all I've learned.
東京都港区虎ノ門一丁目3番1号 東京虎ノ門グローバルスクエア