
  • UI/UXデザイナー
  • 3エントリー

UI/UX for Learning Foreign Languages


on 2018/02/08



UI/UX for Learning Foreign Languages


柿原 祥之

代表取締役CEO・CTO 16歳で渡英、イギリスで物理学と経営学を学んできました。在学中に英国気象庁でデータ解析・可視化基盤開発に従事。帰国後新卒でソニー株式会社に入社、製品ソフトウェアの開発、技術標準化、R&Dなどやってきました。2014年10月に独立・創業し、2016年2月にAI英会話アプリ「TerraTalk」をリリース。ジョイズでは、自分でコードを書くところから経営戦略全般まで、色々やっています。

久保 卓也

Joyz株式会社で第二言語としての英語学習に関する自然言語処理系の研究者兼エンジニアをやっています。学生時代は典型的な理系のそれであり、数理科学や自然科学に関することを主に学習・研究してきました。 千葉大学に在学中は、物性物理、特にカーボンナノチューブ等、カーボン系や有機半導体の電子状態に関する数値計算をスーパーコンピュータを用いて解析するということを研究していました。また、電子状態に関しては、数値計算だけでなく紫外光電子分光などを用いた計測も行っており、真空や実験機器の制御などもやっていました[1]。 実験データの解析に興味を持ったため、千葉大学から電気通信大学に博士前期課程で移り...


代表取締役CEO・CTO 16歳で渡英、イギリスで物理学と経営学を学んできました。在学中に英国気象庁でデータ解析・可視化基盤開発に従事。帰国後新卒でソニー株式会社に入社、製品ソフトウェアの開発、技術標準化、R&Dなどやってきました。2014年10月に独立・創業し、2016年2月にAI英会話アプリ「TerraTalk」をリリース。ジョイズでは、自分でコードを書くところから経営戦略全般まで、色々やっています。


At Joyz, Inc., we develop an English learning app known as “TerraTalk” in which you are able to talk to AI to practice English. TerraTalk currently has over 50 courses, all of which are created based on various occupations, providing scenes that are specific to the needs within such specialized fields.


At Joyz, Inc., we develop an English learning app known as “TerraTalk” in which you are able to talk to AI to practice English. TerraTalk currently has over 50 courses, all of which are created based on various occupations, providing scenes that are specific to the needs within such specialized fields.


We believe that cultural diversity enriches our work environment, cultivating an atmosphere that is spontaneous, fun, and is beyond what we expect or imagine would happen next. This is why we welcome people of any and every cultural background. Despite the fact that English is the most common language to be studied as a second language, many people do not have the opportunities to actually use what they have learned. Despite the fact that there are millions of books that are available for English learners, the hands-on experience to communicate in English is falling short and lagging behind for many. For instance, we cannot evaluate our own speaking skills if we wanted to improve. That would be the same as practicing to run faster without timing the speed, or trying to lose weight without keeping track of the diet and workouts. Therefore, it takes a tremendous amount of time and money to invest into in order to “master” another language. In oder to resolve this issue, we aim to provide 1. real-life speaking scenarios that closely reflect users' needs and 2. continuous evaluation & feedback of their speaking skills.


We have a diverse team including a developer from Taiwan who has personally developed a popular gaming app, and other foreigners who are on the development team along with Japanese developers. Developers operate in two weeks iterations using Scrum methodologies. We focus on balancing between time-management and quality, and most importantly, we prioritize the productivity of our work. On the sales side, we receive inquiries from our clients such as educational institutions and English conversation schools from all over Japan. There is a growing and strong interest in our product, keeping the sales team busy. It forces them to focus on efficiency since they need to manage traveling around Japan, networking, and preparation for meetings all at once.


This position is based in Tokyo, Japan. At Joyz Inc, we develop TerraTalk, an English learning app. Learning a language is not easy. As a UX/UI Designer, you will be spearheading our effort to make language learning effortless. Right now we are looking for two distinct types of UX/UI designers - Utilitarian and Fun-Driving. ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー ◯Utilitarian◯ Simplicity is your virtue. You find joy in organizing vast amount of information and restructuring them accordingly. You always strive to achieve more with less, because you believe acknowledging and embracing underlying chaos is the only way to truly conquer complexity. ◯Fun-Driving◯ You love entertainment. Art and design can move people's heart. Your design, be it little animations in screen transitions or well-conceptualized artwork, is all about bringing smile to people. ◯Which one are you?◯ Of course, as a professional designer you are likely to be a mix of both, possessing the necessary skillset and even industry experience. The question is simple: would you rather design a simple and elegant tool that people rely on day to day, or game, film or magazine that people absolutely devote themselves to. We strongly feel that we need both of these camps. Learning a language is hard. We want to eliminate any unnecessary obstacles from the learning process so there is little pain other than learning itself. We also want to make sure that students find our learning experience enjoyable and worthwhile. ◯Requirements◯ ・Design or Art related degree or equivalent (formal study of layout, color, typefaces and their psychology) ・More than 5 years professional experience ・Experience working with Sketch with Zeplin ・Business level English and Japanese ・[Utilitarian] Experience designing, conducting and drawing ・conclusions from user tests ・[Fun-Driving] Experience using one or more animation prototyping tool ・[Fun-Driving] Experience designing characters or creating concept art



  1. 応募する「話を聞きに行きたい」から応募
  2. 会社からの返信を待つ
  3. 話す日程を決める
  4. 話を聞きに行く




  • 社長がプログラミングできる/
  • 1億円以上の資金を調達済み/
