
  • Student Intern
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Student intern! Global members wanted

Student Intern

on 2018/04/17



Student intern! Global members wanted


紀野 知成

1984: 6歳まで横須賀米軍基地在住、その後16歳まで秋田育ち。 2001: アメリカの高校に交換留学。 2004: 上智大学比較文化学部入学後、eラーニング事業立ち上げ。 2009: 三菱商事入社。 2011: エネルギーの輸入業務を3年経験後、ウラン投資業務の為 2年間渡仏。 2014: 三菱商事退社後、外国人向け国際シェアハウス、VISA、職業斡旋を個人事業主として行う。 2015: 外国人支援事業を行うTokyo Hearth株式会社立ち上げ。


紀野 知成さんのストーリー

Tadokoro Saneyuki

2013: 筑波大学情報学群情報科学類入学後、株式会社GNEXにてクラウドファウンディングサービスの開発を主導。株式会社Has-keyにて勤怠管理システムの開発 2015: 株式会社Seginusを設立。タスク管理サービス Linkage の開発を主導 2016: 株式会社イグニディアにて、シェアスペースプラットフォームvia-atのプロダクトマネージャ。コードキャンプ株式会社にてプログラミング講師を担当 2017: 東京ハース株式会社にて、不動産プラットフォームの開発を主導


1984: 6歳まで横須賀米軍基地在住、その後16歳まで秋田育ち。 2001: アメリカの高校に交換留学。 2004: 上智大学比較文化学部入学後、eラーニング事業立ち上げ。 2009: 三菱商事入社。 2011: エネルギーの輸入業務を3年経験後、ウラン投資業務の為 2年間渡仏。 2014: 三菱商事退社後、外国人向け国際シェアハウス、VISA、職業斡旋を個人事業主として行う。 2015: 外国人支援事業を行うTokyo Hearth株式会社立ち上げ。


【Our Story】 ● October 2015: Established Tokyo Hearth, a completely English language based sharehouse. ● December 2015: Started “Global Wing,” a Japanese Student Global Internship Project. ● 2016: The employment division of Tokyo International University gave support to 800 foreign students looking for internships. ● November 2017: Initiative with Tokyo International University was launched as a startup with support from Japan’s Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry and was officially selected to attend startup events in Europe (JUNCTION Helsinki, Slush Helsinki, and TechCrunch Berlin). ● January 2018: Selected for “X-HUB TOKYO,” a startup advancement program aimed at overseas entrepreneurs. ● April 2018: Scheduled official launch of international housing management service, “Live ‘n Tokyo.” 【About Live ‘n Tokyo】 Live ‘n Tokyo is a housing rental platform that solves vacancy issues in Tokyo by efficiently matching tenants with available rooms or apartments. We help people who are new to Japan find housing, and help people in Japan find an international community, while cooperating with building owners and real estate vacancies in Japan. We are currently developing for an May launch. 【Media Coverage】 ● October 2017: Nikkei Business Online “2020 Gold Medalist for the Japanese Ministry of Economics, and Trade and Industry dispatches 50 companies abroad" (October 20). For details, see: http://business.nikkeibp.co.jp/atcl/report/15/269655/101900038/ ● January 2018: Nihon Keizai Shinbun “German Advancement Department Selects Five Companies to Support.” For details: https://www.nikkei.com/article/DGXMZO25470570Z00C18A1L83000/


【Our Story】 ● October 2015: Established Tokyo Hearth, a completely English language based sharehouse. ● December 2015: Started “Global Wing,” a Japanese Student Global Internship Project. ● 2016: The employment division of Tokyo International University gave support to 800 foreign students looking for internships. ● November 2017: Initiative with Tokyo International University was launched as a startup with support from Japan’s Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry and was officially selected to attend startup events in Europe (JUNCTION Helsinki, Slush Helsinki, and TechCrunch Berlin). ● January 2018: Selected for “X-HUB TOKYO,” a startup advancement program aimed at overseas entrepreneurs. ● April 2018: Scheduled official launch of international housing management service, “Live ‘n Tokyo.” 【About Live ‘n Tokyo】 Live ‘n Tokyo is a housing rental platform that solves vacancy issues in Tokyo by efficiently matching tenants with available rooms or apartments. We help people who are new to Japan find housing, and help people in Japan find an international community, while cooperating with building owners and real estate vacancies in Japan. We are currently developing for an May launch. 【Media Coverage】 ● October 2017: Nikkei Business Online “2020 Gold Medalist for the Japanese Ministry of Economics, and Trade and Industry dispatches 50 companies abroad" (October 20). For details, see: http://business.nikkeibp.co.jp/atcl/report/15/269655/101900038/ ● January 2018: Nihon Keizai Shinbun “German Advancement Department Selects Five Companies to Support.” For details: https://www.nikkei.com/article/DGXMZO25470570Z00C18A1L83000/


■ Live the life you want to live “We want you to live in a place of your choosing, without the constraints of your nationality, ethnicity, language, or culture. We want to help you find that place.” There are a few obstacles to achieving this vision in Japan. We have chosen to focus on mending the relationship between landlords and tenants, my assisting foreign tenants in finding housing in Japan. Many foreign residents struggle to find housing easily here. To address this problem, we started an international sharehouse called “Tokyo Hearth” three years ago. In many countries and cultures, the hearth is the center of the home, where everyone can be comfortable and happy. For this reason, we named our international sharehouse in Tokyo, “Tokyo Hearth.” To see an interview with the CEO, click here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FOMBkJvCyEg We are currently looking for people who share our vision of a globalized Tokyo. Below are the positions we are looking to fill. We’re looking forward to reading your application.


■ The company culture at Tokyo Hearth focuses on Internationalism and Freedom. 1. International 【Diverse Members】 Our team comes from all over the world: Japan, America, India, Canada, Philippines, Bulgaria, Russia, Indonesia, Mauritisu. We all have experience living abroad. 【Global Purpose】 We actively participate in international startup events, hackathons, and continue to pursue international experiences. Last year (2017) we attended two of Europe’s largest startup events, SLUSH in Helsinki and TechCrunch in Berlin. This year, in addition to a field survey for entering the Asian market, we are planning to participate in American and Chinese acceleration programs! (Interns may be able to participate!) 2. Freedom Our team uses flextime and flexible locations. We use three different spaces regularly in Shinjuku, Ginza, Nihonbashi and Awajichō to keep the creative juices flowing.


Student Intern 【Required Conditions】  (1)College junior or above  (2)Computer literacy    ①Microsoft Word: comfortable taking meeting minutes.    ②Excel and Powerpoint: comfortable using basic shortcuts.  (3)3+ months experience abroad.  (4)Personality:    ①Independent and ambitious to grow with our team.    ②Positive attitude and team player.    ③Proactive and inquisitive. 【Bonus skills and experience】  Familiarity with Slack, Wordpress, Strikingly 【Internship Categories】  (1)Development  ● Ideal candidate has experience with UI and UX, is on top of global trends, and has a strong interest in acquiring new skills.  (2)PR  ● Ideal candidate is friendly and confident in professional environments, communicates clearly and is easy to understand, and has familiarity with social networking platforms.  (3)Business Analyst  ● Ideal candidate has a strong desire to learn about the startup environment, has experience abroad, and is looking for ways to make an impact. ■ Recruitment period is 2+ months, 3 days per week (days per week is negotiable).



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  2. 会社からの返信を待つ
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  4. 話を聞きに行く




  • 3000万円以上の資金を調達済み/

Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 11-6, Kandamitoshirocho