
  • バイリンガル ITテクニシャン
  • 5エントリー


バイリンガル ITテクニシャン

on 2017/09/06






Emissary Computer Solutions is a Japan based computer consulting company with offices in Tokyo and Osaka. Emissary offers a variety of professional, quality services for businesses including network design, systems installation, server maintenance, VoIP phone systems, offsite backup solutions, website development, database design and implementation. Formed in 1997, Emissary's many years of experience in Japan clearly demonstrate that they have the knowledge and the expertise necessary to ensure that your valuable data is safe and secure while your computing environment is stable and trouble-free. By creating and growing their partnerships with businesses across Japan, Emissary has created a unique advantage that is based on reliability, dependability and trust. Emissary works with its customers to provide the most effective technology solutions that are geared to meet needs, expectations and budgets. Emissary has extensive experience working with foreign-based companies in Japan. Emissary's broad range of expertise and wide scope of service offerings coupled with a growing team of experienced, long-term engineers with bilingual capabilities make them the ideal choice for your office in Japan. They are able to either work as part of your global IT team or to manage your local office directly in order to maintain a consistent and reliable network. From Enterprise to start-ups, Emissary is here to work with you on your road to success by providing IT support in English, Japanese and French. Please click on the links below for further information about Emissary. Thank you!


Emissary Computer Solutions is a Japan based computer consulting company with offices in Tokyo and Osaka. Emissary offers a variety of professional, quality services for businesses including network design, systems installation, server maintenance, VoIP phone systems, offsite backup solutions, website development, database design and implementation. Formed in 1997, Emissary's many years of experience in Japan clearly demonstrate that they have the knowledge and the expertise necessary to ensure that your valuable data is safe and secure while your computing environment is stable and trouble-free. By creating and growing their partnerships with businesses across Japan, Emissary has created a unique advantage that is based on reliability, dependability and trust. Emissary works with its customers to provide the most effective technology solutions that are geared to meet needs, expectations and budgets. Emissary has extensive experience working with foreign-based companies in Japan. Emissary's broad range of expertise and wide scope of service offerings coupled with a growing team of experienced, long-term engineers with bilingual capabilities make them the ideal choice for your office in Japan. They are able to either work as part of your global IT team or to manage your local office directly in order to maintain a consistent and reliable network. From Enterprise to start-ups, Emissary is here to work with you on your road to success by providing IT support in English, Japanese and French. Please click on the links below for further information about Emissary. Thank you!


Emissary leads the field with a broad range of expertise and a wide scope of service offerings coupled with a growing team of experienced, long-term multilingual engineers. From newly formed start-ups to established SMEs, Emissary is here to work with you on your road to success.


Emissary was started when Michael decided to live in Japan over 20 years ago. He started his career at IBM Canada and came to Japan to study Aikido. Emissary is a very diverse cultural group of people striving for the excellence as being ourselves at the same time.


ITなしには何も始まらないこの世の中。 一言でITといっても分野は広~く、普段目にするところ、見えないところ世の中のコンピューターテクノロジーを広く支えているのは「人」なんです。 私たちが今取り組んでいるのはTPMという日本ではまだなじみのうすいビジネス。 多くの企業で使われているサーバーやストレージなどのハードウェアを長く使っていただくためのサービスです。 海外からの技術をOn The Jobで取り入れながら日本のマシンを元気にするお手伝いをしています。 壊れたデバイスやPCをつい解体してみたくなったり、組み立てたりするのが好きや興味のあるITテクニシャンを募集しています。



  1. 応募する「話を聞きに行きたい」から応募
  2. 会社からの返信を待つ
  3. 話す日程を決める
  4. 話を聞きに行く




東京都中野区東中野3-19-13 ビューステージ鈴木2階