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Be the backbone of our Intl. success!

Intl. HR

on 2020/04/20



Be the backbone of our Intl. success!


竹内 みずき

エンジニアの新卒、中途採用を担当しています。 Gopherが好きで、世界に一つだけのピアスをエンジニアに3Dプリンタで作ってもらいました。 日本酒のお姉さんです めでたくCSOになりました (Chief Sake Onesan) 2020年からはSEOも名乗れるようになりました。 (Sales Entertainment Onesan) 営業の執行役員承認済み ウォンテッドリーのセールスメンバーが楽しく仕事に取り組めるような楽しい取り組みをしています 竹内来るからSEO対策しようぜ!って言われるように頑張ります カジュアル面談がたまにキャリアカウンセリングになり人生相談にのっていることもしばしば。 フットワーク軽いって書いたのにまだ誰も飲み会にWantedly上で誘ってくれていません。 ストレングスファインダーはまさかの全部黄色です。 影響力の塊の人間だそうです。 1. 活発性 2. 指令性 3. 社交性 4. コミュニケーション 5. 最上志向 こんな人他にいるのかなとググったところ、トランプ大統領が全部黄色でした。 私も首相になる日が近いのかもしれない… ---------- ◼︎1社目 広告業界セールスプロモーション企業 コミケのバッグとかアイドルコンサートの物販品とか作ってたのでノベルティでお困りの方にも相談乗れます。 ◼︎どうでもいい社内規則を作った実績 新しいことはチャレンジするため、中国出張でザリガニを食べ、サルモネラ菌に苦しめられた。 この一件により生物を出張先で生物を食べてはいけないという社内規則ができる。 ◼︎2社目 エンジニア、クリエイターの転職支援 SI企業が好きになれなかったので、4名とかのどスタートアップとかのエンジニア採用の支援ばっかりしていた。 4名の会社に3名支援したので、この会社がグロースするのは私の介在価値によるところだと本気で思っている。 破壊的イノベーションも、最初の1人から。 ◼︎3社目 エージェント業で闇を見過ぎたこともあり、間違った就活転職をする人を1人でも減らしたいと強く思ったのでWantedlyに入社。 早く履歴書と職務経歴書が要らない世界をWantedlyで作りたい。 <生涯通じて行う活動> 自分の知的欲求を満たす旅行 直近の行き先:コーカサス三カ国 アゼルバイジャン→ジョージア→アルメニア 安くて美味しくて最高の国々だった 次の旅先: トルクメニスタンの地獄門に行きたい気持ち <プライベートでの活動> ・竹内会 友達の友達は友達になりやすいというコンセプトで、竹内のアドレスに入っている友人知人に声をかけて飲み会を開催。 竹内会から4組の結婚カップルが誕生(みのり会のようだ) 将来は高級と大衆の真ん中くらいのスナックを経営するのでどなたか出資お待ちしております。 名前はスナック瑞季か、倶楽部MIZUKI

仁位 元信

福岡県出身。焼酎をこよなく愛する九州人。 大学在学中に公認会計士試験に合格し卒業後は新日本有限責任監査法人に入社。約3年上場企業の会計監査、内部統制監査、IFRS導入支援を実施。 その後人材紹介のベンチャー会社に転職し予算管理や内部オペレーションの改善等を担当。 2018年よりWantedlyにジョインし内部統制含めた財務/経理周りをやっています。

これが士業の生きる道。法務×経理キャリア対談 #1

仁位 元信さんのストーリー

Wantedly, Inc.のメンバー

エンジニアの新卒、中途採用を担当しています。 Gopherが好きで、世界に一つだけのピアスをエンジニアに3Dプリンタで作ってもらいました。 日本酒のお姉さんです めでたくCSOになりました (Chief Sake Onesan) 2020年からはSEOも名乗れるようになりました。 (Sales Entertainment Onesan) 営業の執行役員承認済み ウォンテッドリーのセールスメンバーが楽しく仕事に取り組めるような楽しい取り組みをしています 竹内来るからSEO対策しようぜ!って言われるように頑張ります カジュアル面談がたまにキャリアカウンセリングになり人生相談にのっているこ...


Wantedly is a business social networking service that enables people to discover new opportunities and connect and engage with new people. ■Our products We currently have two products. The first is Wantedly Visit, (you're using it now!) a social recruiting service that allows companies and candidates to meet each other based on shared vision and values. Through matching people and companies, we hope to create a society where people's work helps drive their passion. The second is Wantedly People. A business card scanning application that helps you to deepen and strengthen your network. Our tech allows the scanning of up to 12 business cards at once, and once scanned, we'll suggest relevant news and articles based on your network to help you stay on top of what's going on. ■What's next? We recently released a new service called Wantedly Perk which supports people who want the challenge themselves! As we continue to expand our services, we hope to create an ecosystem that allows people to find work that excites them and then supports them to achieve their goals.
Wantedly Visit
Wantedly People
Our culture book goes into more detail!
The Wantedly values
Working out how to create a world where work drives passion
A flat working culture ensure we produce the best results


Wantedly Visit

Wantedly People

Wantedly is a business social networking service that enables people to discover new opportunities and connect and engage with new people. ■Our products We currently have two products. The first is Wantedly Visit, (you're using it now!) a social recruiting service that allows companies and candidates to meet each other based on shared vision and values. Through matching people and companies, we hope to create a society where people's work helps drive their passion. The second is Wantedly People. A business card scanning application that helps you to deepen and strengthen your network. Our tech allows the scanning of up to 12 business cards at once, and once scanned, we'll suggest relevant news and articles based on your network to help you stay on top of what's going on. ■What's next? We recently released a new service called Wantedly Perk which supports people who want the challenge themselves! As we continue to expand our services, we hope to create an ecosystem that allows people to find work that excites them and then supports them to achieve their goals.


Working out how to create a world where work drives passion

A flat working culture ensure we produce the best results

Our mission in Japanese is シゴトでココロオドルひとをふやす. In English, we translate it to Create a world where work drives passion. We believe a world where work drives passion is one where people can focus on the work they really believe matters, produce real results, and through producing those results understand how they grew as individuals. We want to be the infrastructure that supports this vision and brings the best people and companies together so they can achieve wonderful things.


Our culture book goes into more detail!

The Wantedly values

■How we move 「最短距離の最大社会的インパクト」or in English 「Create the biggest social impact in the shortest time possible」 With limited resources and in a short time we want to give our all in order to have a real social impact. If we cannot change the world of recruitment for the better, then what was the point? So, we move fast! Do it today not tomorrow. ■How we build Simple simple simple. If you want to have a social impact, you have to hit the biggest number of people possible. That's why we always try to make our products simple enough that anyone can intuitively use them. It is not always about adding new features, it is often about taking them away. ■How we sell Sell cheap to lots of people, rather than selling expensive to few people. Again, we want to be accessible to maximize the number of companies and people who can benefit from what we do. ■How we work Product first. We are techies, sellers, and thinkers, but most of all we are creators. We want to make something that people want to use, and that trumps everything!


You will be supporting our international expansion from the inside. We are looking for a passionate and driven new member to join our HR team. As we continue to expand our operations overseas we find ourselves in need to someone to bridge the gap between our head office and our international ones. As someone working in HR at Wantedly, you will have two main goals: 1. Talent acquisition It is your job to find, screen and hire the best people to work with us to achieve our vision. You would be in charge of the entire hiring process, from sourcing to offer for our overseas offices. 2. Employee success Recruitment does end when they sign on the dotted line. You must ensure that people can succeed in their roles at Wantedly, and that they are satisfied with their working lives. At Wantedly we believe in autonomy, so how you achieve those goals will be largely up to you. However, to give you a general idea of what some of your tasks might look like, here's a quick list. - Sourcing and screening candidates using Wantedly and any other services deemed necessary - Conducting casual visits with applicants and explain to them our mission and values - Think of and implement new and innovative ways to ensure employee success - Assist in managing our HRIS for our overseas offices - Ensure performance reviews are conducted properly across borders - Assist with translation from Japanese to English - Ensure new members are properly onboarded We are looking for someone who matches the following description: - Native-level English and strong Japanese (during the interview process for this position, you'll be doing at least two interviews fully in Japanese, so good enough to perform well in those) - Passionate about our mission (this is by far the most important) - Some HR experience preferred - Strong communication skills If you feel this is you, go ahead and click Want to Visit!



  1. 応募する「話を聞きに行きたい」から応募
  2. 会社からの返信を待つ
  3. 話す日程を決める
  4. 話を聞きに行く




  • 海外進出している/
  • 社長がプログラミングできる/
  • 1億円以上の資金を調達済み/

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