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Wanted! A Bilingual Marketing Intern


on 2016/06/14



Wanted! A Bilingual Marketing Intern


木下 弘貴

 根っからの起業家で、これまで立ち上げた事業は、110店舗の調剤薬局チェーンなど、10以上。  慢性疾患に対する薬物療法に限界を感じ、病気を予防する機能性食品の開発に取り組む。  東京大学と5年の歳月をかけて共同開発した免疫活性成分ブロリコは2012年の販売開始以来、毎月前月比10%以上の売上UP中。リピート率は、初回77%、2回目以降90%という驚異的な数字。 趣味はトライアスロン。

Makiko Igari

仕事内容: 高校卒業後、アメリカに留学し米国認定看護師の資格を取得。 大学卒業後、医療ビジネスの道に進みたいという思いから、ビジネスの勉強をするために人材派遣会社で営業を行う。 医療の現場を経験するため、独学で日本の看護師免許を取得し、総合病院のICUで看護師として勤務。病気の方々と接するうちに病気になる前に食い止めたいという思いを持つ。 予防医学を推進している代表木下の思いに共感し、イマジングローバルケアに入社。 イマジン・グローバル・ケアでは新規事業の計画・立案を担当。 3歳の息子と0歳の娘の子育てに奮闘中


根っからの起業家で、これまで立ち上げた事業は、110店舗の調剤薬局チェーンなど、10以上。  慢性疾患に対する薬物療法に限界を感じ、病気を予防する機能性食品の開発に取り組む。  東京大学と5年の歳月をかけて共同開発した免疫活性成分ブロリコは2012年の販売開始以来、毎月前月比10%以上の売上UP中。リピート率は、初回77%、2回目以降90%という驚異的な数字。 趣味はトライアスロン。


We are now selling Brolico, the supplement with newly discovered nutrient from broccolis, in Japan, in the US, and in South Korea. Brolico is patented internationally and we are to expand globally even more. We use silkworms to test supplements’ power. Using such unique research that would enable us to differentiate from others, and our research team will continue to produce innovative products. The developed product has gone through human clinical trial. Moreover, the paper of this study was posted on Journal of Biochemistry, one of the most famous journals in the field. It also has repeat rate of 91% indicating Brolico earns customers’ exceptional credit. Brolico has earned awards from various places such as most valuable awards from The Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi UFJ, one of the biggest banks in Japan, and chosen as one of the companies for Kakehashi Project from Prime Minister Abe of Japan and Ministry of Trade, Economy, and Industry.
We achieved 10% growth of sales per month
We won the first prize in health device department in Rise Up Festa, sponsored by The Bank of Mitsubishi- Tokyo UFJ
We achieved 10% growth of sales per month
With one of the best marketer in the world, Jay Abraham
Our mission is to extend health life expectancy through preventive medicine
Brolico Bottles


We achieved 10% growth of sales per month

We won the first prize in health device department in Rise Up Festa, sponsored by The Bank of Mitsubishi- Tokyo UFJ

We are now selling Brolico, the supplement with newly discovered nutrient from broccolis, in Japan, in the US, and in South Korea. Brolico is patented internationally and we are to expand globally even more. We use silkworms to test supplements’ power. Using such unique research that would enable us to differentiate from others, and our research team will continue to produce innovative products. The developed product has gone through human clinical trial. Moreover, the paper of this study was posted on Journal of Biochemistry, one of the most famous journals in the field. It also has repeat rate of 91% indicating Brolico earns customers’ exceptional credit. Brolico has earned awards from various places such as most valuable awards from The Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi UFJ, one of the biggest banks in Japan, and chosen as one of the companies for Kakehashi Project from Prime Minister Abe of Japan and Ministry of Trade, Economy, and Industry.


Our mission is to extend health life expectancy through preventive medicine

Brolico Bottles

Our mission is to extend the health life expectancy through preventive medicine. Health is the most basic needs and wants for human beings. Nutrition clearly matters for our better life though we are not aware of it every moment. Even Peter Thiel, the CEO of PayPal, refers as follows. “There’s plenty more to learn: we know more about the physics of faraway stars than we know about human nutrition. It won’t be easy, but it’s not obviously impossible: exactly the kind of field that could yield secrets”.


We achieved 10% growth of sales per month

With one of the best marketer in the world, Jay Abraham

We have been extremely successful: the sales has increased consistently from the foundation of the company through the Internet. We now have sales around 1.2million dollars a month with 10% growth each month. Only two marketers are in charge of this much of sales. We are aiming for exponential growth with new products and expansion of its market, selling products worldwide. The goals are to sell 100 million US dollars worth in Japan and a billion worldwide. The company can grow consistently without much of volatility thanks to our loyal customers. You will also be able to get consultations from Jay Abraham, well-known marketer chosen as top 5 executive coach by Forbes Magazine.


We are looking for a marketing intern who would endorse the communication between American and Japanese branch of the company. You will be doing variety of tasks including translation of academic documents, making of landing page, data analysis of our sales customers. Not only will you be given a job opportunity while being a student, but also will be able to see the business model as a whole through the experience.



  1. 応募する「話を聞きに行きたい」から応募
  2. 会社からの返信を待つ
  3. 話す日程を決める
  4. 話を聞きに行く




東京都港区六本木3-16-12 六本木KSビル2階