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Project Coordination Engineer


on 2021/03/23



Project Coordination Engineer


木虎 直樹

プログラマとインフラエンジニアを行き来するという、今となっては境界が曖昧になってきつつあるが、当時としては珍しい感じでキャリアをスタートして早 15年強。2011年頃からはデータ分析や機械学習といった最近では AI と一単語でまとめられてしまうような分野も手がけるようになった。 2018年 4月から CDO としてハカルスにジョイン。2021年 1月より CTO に役割変更。


中学生の頃からプログラミングに興味を持ち、鈴鹿高専で情報学の基礎を学び、その後京都大学に編入し、より高度な数学を学ぶ。大学の実験で仲良くなった大関先生の紹介でハカルスでアルバイトを始める。3年間のアルバイトの後、ハカルス初の新卒として採用される。 ハカルスでは, スパースモデリングを用いたデータ解析に取り組んでおり, 理論から実装まで幅広く行う。最近のお気に入りの手法は辞書学習。 1993年生まれ。京都大学大学院情報学研究科在学。好きなものは, 醸造されたお酒(ビール, 日本酒, ワイン)と楽器を演奏すること。

染田 貴志

サンマイクロシステムズでエンジニアとしてキャリアをスタート。未踏ソフトウェア創造事業への採択をきっかけに、以降はベンチャーでのプロダクト開発に携わり続けている。現在は CTO として、グローバルな開発チームとともにハカルスプロダクトを成長させるべく日々奮闘中。 1978年生まれ。京都大学大学院情報学研究科卒業。ソフトウェアとロックと家族を愛する40歳。


染田 貴志さんのストーリー

Kikumoto Tomomi

運動のメカニズムや人体の仕組み、トレーニングによって得られる様々な変化に面白さを感じ、大学ではスポーツ医学を専攻。健康運動指導士の資格を取得し、新卒で内科的運動療法ができるトレーニング施設を併設した病院に就職し、生活習慣病の予防・改善のための運動指導を行う。 ひょんなことがきっかけで2017年5月にハカルスに入社。ヘルスケアソリューションのコンテンツ企画に取り組む。その後、事業のピポットとともに自身のロールもHRへと転換。チーム拡大のため、採用関連の仕事を中心に取り組んでいる。ベンチャーならではのスピード感を楽しみながら日々挑戦中。

なぜCTOたちはAIベンチャーに参画したのか ~舞台を建設現場からパソコンの前に変えた 木虎CDO 編~

Kikumoto Tomomiさんのストーリー


プログラマとインフラエンジニアを行き来するという、今となっては境界が曖昧になってきつつあるが、当時としては珍しい感じでキャリアをスタートして早 15年強。2011年頃からはデータ分析や機械学習といった最近では AI と一単語でまとめられてしまうような分野も手がけるようになった。 2018年 4月から CDO としてハカルスにジョイン。2021年 1月より CTO に役割変更。


HACARUS INC. is a startup company in Kyoto, providing data science services using AI technology. Our goal is to "build intelligence to coexist with people". HACARUS offers a specialized artificial intelligence package that adopts the method of sparse modeling. Sparse modeling differentiates from current mainstream deep learning in its ability to generate results from small amounts of data. With this technology, we are able to offer "lightweight", "safe", and "explainable" solutions. We currently build solutions with a focus on medical and industrial use cases. --- AI Solution for Clinical Research · Diagnosis · Medical Treatment Support HACARUS has been involved in the healthcare field and building expertise since the company was founded in 2014. Using HACARUS analysis technology, we can use basic health parameters such as blood pressure, heart rate, activity level, brain CT, and MRI to support patient diagnosis and treatment. Currently, we participate in a joint medical study with a major international pharmaceutical company. --- Embedded · FPGA Low Power AI Solution HACARUS' AI solution is characterized by its ability to operate with low computing resources and low power consumption. Based on this feature, we are developing FPGA chip based AI technology, for easy incorporation into devices such as cameras, routers, and industrial equipment. We are introducing the technology to embedded devices, and we are currently in joint development with router manufacturing companies.
ハカルス代表 藤原健真



HACARUS INC. is a startup company in Kyoto, providing data science services using AI technology. Our goal is to "build intelligence to coexist with people". HACARUS offers a specialized artificial intelligence package that adopts the method of sparse modeling. Sparse modeling differentiates from current mainstream deep learning in its ability to generate results from small amounts of data. With this technology, we are able to offer "lightweight", "safe", and "explainable" solutions. We currently build solutions with a focus on medical and industrial use cases. --- AI Solution for Clinical Research · Diagnosis · Medical Treatment Support HACARUS has been involved in the healthcare field and building expertise since the company was founded in 2014. Using HACARUS analysis technology, we can use basic health parameters such as blood pressure, heart rate, activity level, brain CT, and MRI to support patient diagnosis and treatment. Currently, we participate in a joint medical study with a major international pharmaceutical company. --- Embedded · FPGA Low Power AI Solution HACARUS' AI solution is characterized by its ability to operate with low computing resources and low power consumption. Based on this feature, we are developing FPGA chip based AI technology, for easy incorporation into devices such as cameras, routers, and industrial equipment. We are introducing the technology to embedded devices, and we are currently in joint development with router manufacturing companies.




◆Job Description As a Bridge engineer, you will lead a development team with global members by utilizing your English and technical skills. You will follow up to ensure that development and testing proceed without problems. ・Preparing documents that can be translated to enable development to proceed (in Japanese or English) ・Internal coordination ・Understand the project requests from the director. ・Explanation of requirements and work requests to the Philippine development team ・Progress management and reporting ・Q&A support ・Quality control (interim confirmation of deliverables such as source review) ・Operation, maintenance and fault handling ・Control of small to medium scale projects  ・Promotion and internal coordination of development transfer


【Requirements】 Ability to use Japanese and English at a business level or higher. ( One of them should be native level ) Rather than development skills, the ability to drive and execute, and communication skills to smoothly coordinate projects within the company Problem-solving skills to handle issues and problems that cannot be handled by technology through coordination, judgment, and decision-making Bridge System Engineerexperience, System Engineer experience (basic web development knowledge to be able to give work instructions) Experience in Bridge System Engineer and System Engineer (basic web development knowledge to give work instructions) Willingness to improve language skills after joining the company. 【Experience and Skills】 Project management experience ( or Project Leader experience) Experience in promoting system development projects in cooperation with overseas Experience in system maintenance and operation, including Linux operation Knowledge and experience with servers, networks and cloud infrastructure (AWS) Knowledge and experience in web and native application development Knowledge and experience in web and native application development - PMP(Project Management Professional) and information processing exam certification



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    4. 話を聞きに行く




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    • 3000万円以上の資金を調達済み/

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