
  • Career Advisor
  • 5エントリー
Career Advisor

on 2021/04/23



Looking for a CAREER PARTNER!


17:00 ~
at 株式会社JELLYFISH - オンライン開催

Wan Sasha

東京外国語大学大学院(TUFS)国際協力コースを卒業 世界中の人々をサポートする仕事に従事したく、JELLYFISHにJoinしました。 外国人向けの転職サポートに4年間従事した後、2019年より人事を担当しています。 ☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆ 「知」「情」「意」   を大切に JELLYFISH仲間を探しています! ★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★

ウイリアム ルー

An enthusiastic & passionate IT-recruiter/Career Design in Tokyo. I ain't no professional headhunter and that is not my goal at all. All I want to do is just to help my comrades to find the best opportunities in Japan. Jellyfish's main focus is to support and help those who seek a change in their career. I'm capable of Mandarin, Cantonese, Norwegian, English and Japanese. ▼主なキャリア 新卒で株式会社JELLYFISHに入社し、キャリアアドバイザーとして活躍しております。 外国人ITエンジニア・ゲームエンジニアを専門領域としている ▼主な強み ・高いコミュニケーションと対人能力 ・5か国語語を全てビジネスレベルで対応可能 ➛ノルウェー語:流暢 ➛英語:流暢 ➛広東語:ネイティブレベル ➛日本語:流暢 (読み・書き・会話において) ➛中国語:流暢 ・ゲーム業界やWeb業界をはじめ、幅広い業界にハイレベルまで対応できる ・ジャンルに関わらず、歴史と最新トレンドを含め、ゲーム業界全般において豊富な知識を持っている ▼趣味 ・Eスポーツ ・フルスタック開発(勉強中)  ⇒ HTML/CSS, JavaScript, Bootstrap, jQuery, Flutter  ⇒ ReactJS, VueJS, NodeJS, ExpressJS, NPM, Git, EJS  =>MongoDB(Mongoose), GraphQL ・ゲーム開発:Unity(C# - 勉強中) ・スポーツ:ブレイクダンス/格闘技/(基本的に球技が下手)卓球、バドミントン ・動画:Sony Vegas, Youtube, Twitch, E-Sport 最も好きなタイトル: ・USF4 ・朧村正 ・モンハンクロス ・Cupheads ・鉄拳7 - Season2


東京外国語大学大学院(TUFS)国際協力コースを卒業 世界中の人々をサポートする仕事に従事したく、JELLYFISHにJoinしました。 外国人向けの転職サポートに4年間従事した後、2019年より人事を担当しています。 ☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆ 「知」「情」「意」   を大切に JELLYFISH仲間を探しています! ★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★


◆ Self-introduction (JELLYFISH member) ◆ Job searching experience in Japan ◆ Reason for choosing JELLYFISH ◆ What is the organization that JELLYFISH is aiming for? ◆ Work challenge ◆ Career design ◆ QR time JELLYFISH.Inc was established in 2007 with a mission of helping foreigners lead a comfortable life in Japan. Starting off as a communication provider business, the company has been able to grow significantly in the span of just a decade, and covers many business areas such as: Japanese language education, both inside and outside Japan, and also employment support for foreigners who wish to build a life in and work in Japan. ~Expand Your Horizons~ We aim to create opportunities for self-fulfillment through education and jobs for people all over the world and to be a bridge connecting the present and the future. We are seeking Career Partners that are passionate about supporting foreign engineers.


🏆Who is a Career Partner?🏆 A recruiter who is passionate about supporting foreign engineers! How a Career Partner contributes to the success of a candidate? 🎯Career consultation. 🎯Offer the right job based on in-depth research. 🎯Interview advise. 🎯Follow-up after job offer. A Career Partner will hold these qualities 👉Honest and positive. 👉Interested in people and love interacting with people. 👉Have IT knowledge or interest in a specific IT realm. Language skill ✨Business-level English and Japanese are required. The seminar will be held for the prospective candidates. Join the Jellyfish family and let us be your DREAM TEAM!



◆ Self-introduction (JELLYFISH member) ◆ Job searching experience in Japan ◆ Reason for choosing JELLYFISH ◆ What is the organization that JELLYFISH is aiming for? ◆ Work challenge ◆ Career design ◆ QR time JELLYFISH.Inc was established in 2007 with a mission of helping foreigners lead a comfortable life in Japan. Starting off as a communication provider business, the company has been able to grow significantly in the span of just a decade, and covers many business areas such as: Japanese language education, both inside and outside Japan, and also employment support for foreigners who wish to build a life in and work in Japan. ~Expand Your Horizons~ We aim to create opportunities for self-fulfillment through education and jobs for people all over the world and to be a bridge connecting the present and the future. We are seeking Career Partners that are passionate about supporting foreign engineers.


🏆Who is a Career Partner?🏆 A recruiter who is passionate about supporting foreign engineers! How a Career Partner contributes to the success of a candidate? 🎯Career consultation. 🎯Offer the right job based on in-depth research. 🎯Interview advise. 🎯Follow-up after job offer. A Career Partner will hold these qualities 👉Honest and positive. 👉Interested in people and love interacting with people. 👉Have IT knowledge or interest in a specific IT realm. Language skill ✨Business-level English and Japanese are required. The seminar will be held for the prospective candidates. Join the Jellyfish family and let us be your DREAM TEAM!





  • 3000万円以上の資金を調達済み/
  • 1億円以上の資金を調達済み/
  • 海外進出している/

東京都品川区西五反田2-24-4 WESTHILL 4F




応募締め切り 2021/06/22 23:59






  • 3000万円以上の資金を調達済み/
  • 1億円以上の資金を調達済み/
  • 海外進出している/

東京都品川区西五反田2-24-4 WESTHILL 4F