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Intern at multiantional environment!


on 2017/03/24



Intern at multiantional environment!


田邉 政喜

Guidable株式会社の代表取締役。 ・慶應義塾大学総合政策学部卒業後、2009年ソフトバンク株式会社入社。広報室配属。ソフトバンクモバイルの携帯電話機や携帯電話向けサービスの広報を担当。新聞 / 雑誌 / テレビ / Webなどを通した全方位プロモーションを実施。 ・ソフトバンクアカデミア2期生。 ・2014年フォースバレー・コンシェルジュ株式会社に入社し、史上最年少マネージャーに就任。 ・2015年11月Guidable株式会社設立。 ・経産省主催の始動プロジェクトにてイスラエル派遣メンバー10人に選出。

Yuri Matsui

国際基督教大学教養学部2年  専攻予定:東・東南アジア地域における政策学 1997年栃木県宇都宮市出身 埼玉県さいたま市在住 小学校3年の頃から高校3年までボーイスカウト埼玉県連盟に所属。 2011年ボーイスカウト日本大会 2012年ボーイスカウト世界大会出場。 2011年東日本大震災を契機に福島県南相馬市で月に1−2回傾聴ボランティアを行っています。 2014年埼玉大学教育学部附属中学校卒業 2016年国際基督教大学高等学校卒業 アルバイトは飲食を中心に高校生の頃から経験しております。 現在以下を兼業しています Guidable株式会社 本インターン生 企画部/Guidable J...


Guidable株式会社の代表取締役。 ・慶應義塾大学総合政策学部卒業後、2009年ソフトバンク株式会社入社。広報室配属。ソフトバンクモバイルの携帯電話機や携帯電話向けサービスの広報を担当。新聞 / 雑誌 / テレビ / Webなどを通した全方位プロモーションを実施。 ・ソフトバンクアカデミア2期生。 ・2014年フォースバレー・コンシェルジュ株式会社に入社し、史上最年少マネージャーに就任。 ・2015年11月Guidable株式会社設立。 ・経産省主催の始動プロジェクトにてイスラエル派遣メンバー10人に選出。


“Remove borders between foreigners and Japanese” Guidable, Inc. provides the gateway platform “Guidable Q&A” closely related to the life in Japan. We released the βversion on the 4th of April in 2016. Any questions which are come up with by living in Japan are available in English. “Team Guidable” will answer all the questions quickly. Guidable, Inc. is aiming to create a world in which more and more multinational people can communicate online by multinational languages in Japan. Now we have three main services included to "Guidable Japan", a multilingual media site which offers trends and info needed when you live in Japan and "Guidable Jobs", a position offer information site for foreigners. We also hold events such as "Kansai-dialect class" collaborated with multiple Japanese language schools. 【Guidable Q&A】 http://qa.guidable.co/ 【Guidable Japan】 http://guidable.co/ 【Guidable Jobs】 https://jobs.guidable.co/ 【Press release】 http://prtimes.jp/main/html/rd/p/000000007.000017621.html


“Remove borders between foreigners and Japanese” Guidable, Inc. provides the gateway platform “Guidable Q&A” closely related to the life in Japan. We released the βversion on the 4th of April in 2016. Any questions which are come up with by living in Japan are available in English. “Team Guidable” will answer all the questions quickly. Guidable, Inc. is aiming to create a world in which more and more multinational people can communicate online by multinational languages in Japan. Now we have three main services included to "Guidable Japan", a multilingual media site which offers trends and info needed when you live in Japan and "Guidable Jobs", a position offer information site for foreigners. We also hold events such as "Kansai-dialect class" collaborated with multiple Japanese language schools. 【Guidable Q&A】 http://qa.guidable.co/ 【Guidable Japan】 http://guidable.co/ 【Guidable Jobs】 https://jobs.guidable.co/ 【Press release】 http://prtimes.jp/main/html/rd/p/000000007.000017621.html


Japan is evaluated as a “friendly” and ”easy-to-live” country but is that true? I feel that Japanese services are one of the most unfriendly ones in the world and they are hard to use for foreigners. Representative Tanabe has answered for foreigners’ worries by living with 7 Japanese and 7 foreigners for about 3 years, for example, “there’s no apartment for foreigners, “”doctors can’t understand English and it’s hard to explain the symptoms,”” there’s no job which doesn’t require Japanese, “”it’s impossible to understand the Japanese mobile phone contract systems.” Try to solve those questions from foreigners by generate them. Let’s make “we don’t understand Japanese but it went well somehow” to “aha! This is how Japanese system is like.” We hope you to know Japan more and make your Japanese life exciting.


Our multinational Japanese team, who knows how foreigners and Japan are like by their own experiences, follows questions from foreigners and mainly Japanese team is working on developing services. Our team is small but highly capable organization. Our members are willing to join multinational cultural interactions and we always talk about each other’ cultures.


Here at Guidable, Inc…. A lot of multinational interns are working with us by sharing the same mind, “No Border.” We are looking for a power who can work as a right hand of our CEO. “What are you going to do?” We have 3 main web businesses right now; Guidable Q&A, Guidable Japan, and Guidable Jobs. You will make strategic concepts to drive each service and try and error to execute the business plan. Guidable is a startup company so there’s no fixed or routine works. A lot of interns are coming up with new ideas every day and produce result. Why don’t you join us and drive team Guidable with your ideas and action? “Who are you working with?” We are currently composed with multinational members from 12 countries; Japan, Korea, Taiwan, China, Indonesia, Myanmar, Vietnam, India, The United States, Canada, Rumania, Spain, Germany and Brazil. You will hardly see the multinational teams like us. “What kind of interns are we looking for?” - eager to growth the startup company under the executives from Softbank - interested in working in other countries and willing to work overseas in the future - think for yourself and then act - able to use Business level English - spare any efforts - long-term full commitment Yes, that’s YOU who are reading it right now. Just apply and come to our office to talk with us! We are looking forward to seeing you soon.



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