
Silence Never Sounded So Terrifying

People tend to think that those who live a quiet life tend to come from a group of society that is implausible. The poor, the spiritually guided, the freelancers, the lack of talent, the lazy. It is quite impossible to think that this is a rational choice given that we're living in a place that praises action and plenty of hard work. By that, we mean keeping ourselves busy with no time for self-care or quiet contemplation which is as obligatory as everything else. If anything it should be a priority in keeping one mentally healthy.

This deluded idea that we should feed and overload our sensory stimulation to a point that we no longer know what we need for ourselves can be detrimental to not only our own self but to society. The way we treat ourselves will ultimately manifest its way to how we treat others - unempathetic, inattentive and insensitive to one's needs. Being rude is a by-product of self-disregard and piled up frustrations. We become so self-involved that it turns toxic.

However, self-absorption has its merits. It may mean to turn inwards, introspection and self-reflection - a state of mind that comes from maturity and sensitivity. Treating oneself and others thoughtfully and with respect.

How can we achieve this while living in such a high-strung environment?

Taking time out for quiet. This is, surprisingly (but maybe not to some) our natural human state. We desire connection, balance and time for personal insights. We do this by walking in the park, hiking up a mountain, exploring and going on a great yet solitude adventure through the wilderness or even reading a book where we are no longer stimulated by all that is unnatural but always accompanied by quiet.

The stillness allows us to fully be. The mind rests, the breaths are deep and the heart beats slowly. Anxiety, fear and worries dissipate as we sink deeper into recognising ourselves and our needs. We are no longer distracted by outside influences. Most times quiet presents us the solutions we've been searching for to our problems.

“Everything you need is already within you. The beauty of life is that your DESTINY lies always in your hands. The time has come for you to STEP UP and BE GREAT”

— Pablo

So when you do start to worry about your thoughts and your comfort, asks yourself ''what are you really running away from?”

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