
Export LinkedIn Searches

The LinkedIn network is an excellent tool for finding connections and learning more about people who share your interests. It is possible even to use Linkedln's search function to find potential leads if you know how to utilize it.

Our article will discuss the different search options available through LinkedIn and some tips and tricks to help you start looking for your next lead. One of the most commonly overlooked features on LinkedIn is the ability to export your search results. This can be very useful for several reasons, including:

Create a list of contacts

Alternatively, you can create a list with people you'd like to follow up with later. This can be helpful if you have a comprehensive search and want to prioritize your follow-up list.

Export results

You can export selected search results to a CSV file, eliminating the need to retype all the people who meet the criteria. You might also need the search results for other reasons, such as doing client research or creating reports.

Save searches

If you're using LinkedIn on an ongoing basis, you can save your searches so that they are available to export later. You could also use this feature to keep track of the different searches you run so that you don't have to retype them later.

Build an automated email newsletter

You could create a list of people you want to send an email newsletter out to and then set up the automation so that LinkedInsends it for you. By searching for and exporting new employees, you can create a list of potential hires to follow up with later.

LinkedIn also has advanced search options.

This allows you to narrow down your results by location, industry, years of experience, education level, etc. Using this feature is excellent if you find people that meet multiple criteria. It is also possible to use filters to specify precisely what jobs your search needs to return, for instance, entry-level or experienced employees for a specific role.

Using LinkedIn to export searches

You can export your search results, simply click on the cogwheel at the top-right of your screen and then go to Export Results under More Options.

Why should you export your LinkedIn search results?

If you have an extensive list of searches, it is time-consuming to go through and type everyone's name. It is especially true when you have a lot of searches to export. Making this process easy will save you time and energy, allowing you to focus on other essential tasks for your business.


Export linkedin search results to save time as well as energy. You can use advanced search options for more specific results or use filters to find employees by industry, location, or education level. You can also create lists of people you want to follow up with by exporting the search results and prioritizing your list later.