
What are the 5 Steps to Planning your Yoga Routine?

When you start working out, there are a lot of options you have. Whether it is the gym, your home or just morning calisthenics - it is important to plan things early on. There are a number of things that you should consider before you are starting or switching a workout plan. Making a new change to your workout regime can be difficult to start. However, once you get the hang of it, there can be no better feeling.

If you are planning a yoga routine or yoga teacher training, you should know that it can be a little different from rigorous gym training and exercise regimens. Yoga is a form of workout that includes working on different aspects of your physical as well as mental health. It should always be started with a plan so that you can make the best out of it, in the long run.

Read on to find out what is the right way to start a good and healthy yoga workout plan, which should cover all the aspects of your fitness.

5 Things to Remember when Planning a Yoga Routine

Start out slow: Yoga is all about working through a lot of physical aspects at the same time. You have to work on your limbs, muscles, flexibility and circulation. All Asanas have a particular meaning and function. This is why it is important to start slow. Never plan yoga sequencing with the most complicated asanas on your first week. You have to fix particular asanas that you will go about and then attempt more difficult and high-skill asanas. This will help to get the best results after the workout.

Get expert help: For beginners, the best idea to start out a good yoga plan is to go for a professional yoga class. If you start with a certified yoga trainer, you will be assured that they will know what is best for you. There are great yoga lessons online that can help you take the first step in your yoga workout plan. Once you talk to your trainer and get the idea of what yoga is all about, it will help you through the whole process better.

Take your time for the long run: Yoga is a lot about long-term goals rather than short targets. Be it for weight loss, adopting an exercise regime or working on your overall health - Yoga has been proved to be better for the longer timeline. Don’t think that you will achieve everything you want within a month of yoga practice. You have to be patient and be regular with your workout to get the best out of the process.

Focus on yourself: When you take up yoga, remember that there is a physical and a mental aspect to it. Yoga has been proven to have positive impacts on mental health with different meditation and mindfulness techniques. When you are starting with yoga, you have to give your hundred per cent to it. Forget about all the world’s troubles before starting your workout. Breathe in and out as much as possible and after every asana, give yourself enough rest. Yoga is one of the most effective forms of self-care that has to be nourished if you want it to work.

Go for a well-rounded practice: Body circulation, flexibility and internal health benefits - Yoga has to be a commitment you make to your body and invest a lot of time in. It is a holistic approach to mental and physical health. This is why planning a yoga session needs a lot of effort in the first place. The daily workout has to be coupled with a proper diet that takes care of the nutrient intake. Mix it up with different asanas that will help you to work on your body. This is why it is suggested to take the help of an expert before starting out a yoga training process.

Final Words

Yoga is one of the forms of exercise that has been under a lot of scrutiny from different groups. While some say it just helps with flexibility, others say that there are many benefits to look forward to. But the takeaway for any beginner can be this: No matter what the approach to yoga is, it is indeed a very effective form of exercise. So when you are starting this out, you should put your heart and soul into it. This is because yoga is ultimately a form of mediation. It will help to keep you healthy and calm at the same time. Not to mention, it helps keep your body active in a really good way.