
Tips for proofreading and editing an academic essay

When proofreading and editing an academic essay, attention to detail is crucial. Unlike traditional editing methods, where presentation and high quality are desirable, failure to follow the expected AP or APA editing style can cost candidates valuable points.

Whether the essay is for an English degree or a zoology degree, most papers will be judged on the same editing requirements. So sit back, read these helpful tips, and always come back to your essay with fresh eyes to achieve proofreading perfection!

Top 10 tips for proofreading and editing an academic essay

Check your work.

Plagiarism can be an accidental mistake that can cost you dearly. Run your work through a free online plagiarism checker to make sure all edits are made to a 100% original document.

Turn off all distractions.

Turn off the TV, turn down the music, and focus on the task at hand. You'll be surprised how much easier it will be to revise your content if you can focus!

Use double spacing

Double spacing not only looks neater, and meets the criteria, but is much easier to edit when you can clearly see each word, sentence, and structure.

Use a different color pen

When editing work by hand or on a computer, different font colors will help you see at a glance what has been changed and why. This will prevent your work from becoming one big burr and help you stay organized.

Use a beacon.

A bookmark, ruler, or even another piece of paper is a great way to stay on track. Go from line to line and take your time, making sure each sentence is exactly the way you want it.

Take time out.

If you're proofreading or editing a long article, taking breaks every twenty minutes or so is a great way to keep your eye fresh and your ability to spot mistakes. Try to step aside and take your eyes off the editing for a moment between pages.

Check your sources.

You wouldn't believe how many people skip this step and only check grammar, spelling and other basic editing points. Your sources are one of the most valuable assets in your essay, so make sure they match your assigned editing style.

Read the essay aloud.

Once you are sure that all edits are complete, read the essay aloud. Take the time to read slowly and clearly, as this will help identify any current or recent errors.

Do it all over again!

I know, I know, it's not what you wanted to hear, but the truth is that for really impressive proofreading or revision you need to go back after some time off and repeat all these steps. Chances are you'll find that one hidden detail that needs to be corrected, and it will all be worth it in the end. But if you realize that my advice doesn't help you, then take another tip - you'll probably need to find someone to write my paper on https://writemypapers4me.net/. Remember, you don't have to have several college degrees in English to be a great proofreader or editor! All it takes is time, dedication, and a commitment to creating quality work. Good luck!