
Blue World City Overseas Block: A Sustainable Development Model for Islamabad

Islamabad is blooming with a new and burgeoning economy. With a population of over 19 million people, there’s never been a better time to invest in Islamabad. But with so many people and so much rapid development, where do you start? If you’re looking for an edge over the competition, consider investing in Blue World City Overseas Block. This sustainable development model for Islamabad will give you an advantage over your rivals. Blue World City Overseas Block is an innovative and cutting-edge development that offers an array of benefits for investors and citizens alike. from sustainability to job opportunities, learn more about what makes this development so special today.



Blue World City Overseas Block is a sustainable development model for Islamabad, Pakistan. The project was conceptualized by Blue World City, a Singapore-based company, in 2012.

The model is based on five principles: environmentalism, social responsibility, economic viability, urban design and innovation. The project aims to create a self-sufficient city that is environmentally friendly and economically viable.

The city will be composed of residential areas, commercial spaces and green infrastructure such as parks and gardens. it will also have a transport system that links the different parts of the city.

The model has been tested in other cities around the world and has been successful in creating sustainable communities.

The Blue World City Overseas Block

There is no denying that Islamabad, Pakistan’s capital city, has a lot of issues that need to be addressed. From pollution to chronic poverty, the city has a long way to go before it can be considered a sustainable development model. However, one solution that is often overlooked is the possibility of creating an overseas block for Islamabad.

This overseas block would consist of land and buildings located outside of the current city limits. This would allow for the creation of new development patterns and more expansive public spaces, all while reducing environmental impact and overall congestion in the city. It would also help to improve Islamabad’s relationship with its neighbors and provide an alternative economic model for the region.

Creating an overseas block for Islamabad is not a quick or easy process, but it is one worth considering if we want to see real progress made in addressing Islamabad’s many challenges.

The Sustainable Development Model

The Blue World City Overseas Block is a sustainable development model for Islamabad that was developed by the Urban Development Authority of Pakistan (UDAAP). The model is based on six principles: green, smart, circular, equitable, sustainable and inclusive.

The first principle of the model is green, which means that the city will be environmentally friendly. This will be done by using resources efficiently and creating a waste management system that can handle all the city's waste. Smart technology will also be used to manage everything from traffic to energy consumption.

The second principle of the model is circularity. Everything in the city will be based on a cycle so that it can be reused or recycled. this includes materials used in construction as well as furniture and other objects in citizens' homes.

The third principle of the model is equity. Everyone in the city will have an equal say and access to resources. This includes people who live in the city and people who live outside of it but want to use its resources.

The fourth principle is sustainability. The city will not only be able to function for now but future generations as well

Implementation of the SDM

The SDM has been implemented in Blue World City, Pakistan since 2013. The aim of this model is to create a sustainable development city that can be replicated elsewhere.

In order to achieve this goal, the SDM incorporates a number of key elements. These include:

1) A holistic approach to planning and management: The SDM applies a holistic approach to planning and management in order to ensure that all aspects of the city are taken into account. This includes considerations for infrastructure, environment, social justice, and economic viability.

2) Integrated waste management: Blue World City implements integrated waste management systems in order to reduce the amount of waste that is generated. This system involves collection and treatment of waste at its source, which helps to protect the environment as well as reduce costs associated with disposal.

3) Sustainable land usage: In order to help maintain the city’s sustainability, Blue World City uses sustainable land usage principles throughout its development. This includes ensuring that land is used for productive purposes rather than for housing or commercial developments.


The Blue World City Overseas Block development project is an ambitious effort to create a sustainable, high-quality city that can serve as a model for the rest of the country. The project is based on the principles of ecology and sustainability, and it will require considerable effort and coordination if it is to be successful. But if it succeeds, Islamabad could become a model for other parts of Pakistan and around the world.