
“ユーザー中心”のサービスを育てるスピリットが、ここにはあった。インタビュー エンジニア上杉さん / "There is a spirit of developing user-centered services here" Interview with engineer Osuke Uesugi

*English follows Japanese



上杉央介(うえすぎ おうすけ) シニア・ソフトウェア・エンジニア



ビービットが提供する「USERGRAM (ユーザグラム) 」の開発で、プロダクトオーナーとフロントエンドエンジニアを兼任しています。ビービットのエンジニアは5人~6人でひとつのスクラムチームを作っていて、今は7チームが連携して仕事をしています。チームはそれぞれ得意な領域を持っていて、私のいるチームだとマシーンラーニングやフロントエンドの開発に強いエンジニアが多いです。プロダクトオーナーはチームにひとりずついる感じですね。






TypeScriptやVueを使ってUSERGRAM のUIの実装をしています。プロダクトオーナーとフロントエンドエンジニアの仕事は半々ぐらいですね。



































【インタビュー 一覧】

ビービットとの出会いは、仲間と一緒にサービスを作る楽しさを教えてくれた/インタビュー #2 エンジニア 安保さん

ソフトウェアエンジニアリングは日々進化している。常に新しいドアを開け、熱意を持って挑戦し続けたい/インタビュー#3 エンジニア ニラヴさん

新卒2年目のエンジニアに聞く ビービットへ入社した3つの決め手、きつかった研修期間、顧客を支えるやりがい、今後の目標 / インタビュー#4 エンジニア 山崎さん

ビービット プロダクト開発チーム 副責任者が語る 変化を恐れない会社が唯一変えない「理念」/ インタビュー#5 開発副責任者 岡さん

重工メーカーの研究職から開発エンジニアへ。メンバーの成長を支え、目指すは「最高のユーザー体験の提供」/ インタビュー#6 エンジニア 池田さん

多くのネパール人エンジニアを育て上げた大学講師から開発エンジニアへ。日本に来た理由 、USERGRAMの魅力、ビービットで働く意味。/ インタビュー# 7 エンジニア ビノドさん

「凡庸な毎日を変えたかった」ネパール出身のエンジニアに聞く、リスクを冒す理由、モチベーションの源泉、挑戦してみたいこと。/ インタビュー #8 エンジニア サガールさん

"There is a spirit of developing user-centered services here”

Interview with beBit' engineer, Osuke Uesugi

At beBit, we have employees with diverse backgrounds working in various positions. This time, we would like to introduce Mr. Osuke Uesugi, who joined the company a year ago after working for an e-commerce site operating company and is now working as a product owner and front-end engineer.

Osuke Uesugi, Senior Software Engineer
After graduating from university, Osuke Uesugi gained experience as an engineer at a web production company and an e-commerce site operating company before joining beBit in 2020. As a product owner and front-end engineer, he is now dedicated to developing "USERGRAM."

Collaborate with other teams to grow the service together.

So what do you exactly do at work as a senior software engineer?

I am a product owner and front-end engineer for the development of "USERGRAM" provided by beBit. At beBit, we have a scrum team of 5 to 6 engineers, and we currently have 7 teams working together. Each team has its own area of expertise, and in my team, many engineers are strong in machine learning and front-end development. There is one product owner in each team.

So, is the product owner like a leader?

Depending on the team, the product owner plays the leader's role, but basically, the relationship with the members is flat. The product owner is responsible for bridging different teams and other departments within the company, the release, and the quality of the product. Especially, I believe that it is crucial that the product owner take a role in translating the business department's requests into something easy for the engineers to understand and communicate to the team members.

How do you decide how to allocate tasks among the members?

We discuss and decide together. There is an overall schedule divided into two-week segments called sprints, and the goal of each sprint is determined by the product owner. In each sprint, we have a meeting to discuss what needs to be done and who should do the work. You can also volunteer to do specific tasks, and the people around you will help you with challenging tasks.

What kind of work does a front-end engineer do?

I am implementing the USERGRAM's UI using TypeScript and Vue. Half of the time, I work as a product owner, and half of the time, I work as a front-end engineer.

How do you usually work?

We are all working remotely now due to the coronavirus. Our team does online daily stand-up meetings for 15 minutes at 10:45 to share work status. We attend meetings inside and outside the team, but other than that, we can adjust to our routines. I usually start working at 9:00, and other than the meetings, I do code reviews requested by the team members and complete my own tasks, and work until around 6pm~7pm.

Decided to change careers because of the desire to develop valuable services

Have you always wanted to be an engineer since you were in school?

No, I haven't. I mean, I was a student in the department of education. At that time, my hobby was collecting analog records, and my friend and I launched an online site to sell them. That's when I discovered the attractiveness of writing programs, creating services, and growing them.

So, you started your career as an engineer from there. What made you join beBit?

I was at a company that provided e-commerce sites in my previous job. It was a large service, so the top page, detail page, and cart page of one site were all created by different organizations. It was totally a stovepipe organization, and I didn't have the sense of grasping the entire service and developing its product. I wanted to work in an environment where I could develop the service myself with a sense of speed, so I began to think about changing my career.

Did you know about beBit from that time?

Actually, I have a mutual acquaintance with Nishioka, CTO of beBit. We first went out for a drink: the acquaintance, CTO Nishioka, and an engineer at beBit and myself. CTO Nishioka is a very passionate person (laughs). I felt his strong determination to develop the service with a user-centered approach. The next day, the engineer sent me an email asking if I would like to look at the USERGRAM source code and showed me the repository. This surprised me. It's not usual for someone to show the source code the day after you first met. The approval process and speed of action were overwhelming.

Were the conditions of employment attractive to you as well?

Being able to work full remote was appealing. Some of us at beBit work in the office and some of us work full remote. But right now, due to the coronavirus, everyone is working remotely, though. My wife and I are both from Kyushu and we wanted to eventually return to our hometown, so being able to continue working when we actually return was also an advantage for me.

The most rewarding thing is the feeling of making a positive impact on business.

How do you feel after you actually joined the company?

There is a positive response to contributing to the customer's business. In my previous job, we ran an e-commerce site, and our main target was individual consumers, but USERGRAM is a tool to support corporate digital marketing and digital services. By simply embedding tags in corporations' services, they can understand their site users and turn them into a better service. I am fascinated by USERGRAM, which can make a significant business impact with little effort, and I want more companies to use it.

That's exactly what you wanted to do. Is there anything in terms of a good working environment?

We are not a big company, so I really like the environment where I can work in a wide range of areas. I work with engineers who are good at various fields, so I need to understand the technology to some extent to communicate with them. In the beginning, it was hard to catch up.

Learning a wide range of skills seems like a lot of work, doesn't it? How do you catch up?

It doesn't mean that you have to write all the code for both front-end and back-end, but you need to understand the technology and communicate by talking to engineers who are good at that area. If you don't understand something specifically, you may ask people around you, but basically, you learn the basics yourself.

Did you have any other difficulties?

Since there are many non-Japanese engineers at beBit, all communication within the development team is in English. I also used English in my previous work, but it was difficult at first. We also have two Vietnamese engineers on our team, so we need to brush up on our English skills to get the job done.

Be positive, aim higher

Is there anything that you pay attention to when you work?

Being positive no matter what. In the development team at beBit, some people are highly skilled and very positive. Thanks to these people, I feel that the company's overall atmosphere has been improved, and that has led to the development of our services.

Is there anything that you would like to challenge in the future?

I'd like to release small and fast. If we try to release on a large scale, it will take a long time to develop, and improvements after the release will be slow. I'd like to release minor and improve quickly to improve the quality of the service.

The spirit of questioning about things that remain the same

What type of person do you think is best suited for beBit?

I think that someone who is open-minded and questions about things that remain the same is suited for this job. Since we have many non-Japanese engineers, we have diverse people with a different sense of values. How you work is also completely different depending on the culture. There are things that are very different from what you would expect in Japan, and it is the same for them. I think that people who can flexibly accept each other's values are suited for this job.

I'm struck by the phrase "Questioning about things that remain the same."

I think this is a company where people who continue to take on challenges are highly appreciated. You may fail in your challenge. Even so, your attitude to the challenge will be appreciated.

Lastly, do you have a message for people who are interested in joining beBit?

This is a gratifying job where you can indirectly contribute to the customer's business by developing USERGRAM. Challenging attitudes are welcomed, and the people around you will support you, so it is a blessed environment, especially for new graduates. Let's grow together and develop our services!

Mr. Uesugi is calm and intelligent. His passion for developing the USERGRAM service by valuing his colleagues and acting as a bridge between various departments.

【Other Interviews】

“Software Engineering is volatile — one needs the zeal to pick up on new concepts” Interview with engineer Nilav Khatiwada

"beBit has taught me the joy of creating a service with my colleagues" Interview with engineer Motoyasu Abo

Interview with a new graduate engineer in his second year - The three deciding factors for joining beBit, tough training period, the fulfillment of supporting users, and his future goals / Interview with engineer Yoshitaka Yamazaki

The only "mission" that beBit, a company that is not afraid of change, has never changed. / Interview with the deputy chief of development team Mitsuru Oka

From a researcher at a heavy industry manufacturer to a software development engineer, he supports team members' growth, aiming to "provide the best user experience." / Interview with engineer Kazuki Ikeda

Former Lecturer who helped train many Nepali engineers, Now A Seasoned Software Engineer ー Why he came to Japan, the magic of USERGRAM, and the reason for working at beBit. / Interview with engineer Binod Raj Pandey

"I wanted to change my mundane routine life." An interview with an engineer from Nepal on why he takes risks, what motivates him, and what he wants to challenge. / Interview with engineer Sagar Giri

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