
ビービット プロダクト開発チーム 副責任者が語る 変化を恐れない会社が唯一変えない「理念」/ The only "mission" that beBit, a company that is not afraid of change, has never changed.

*English follows Japanese



岡 充(おか みつる) 開発副責任者
映像配信サービスを展開する会社の技術職を経て2020年にビービット入社。以前にもビービットに7年間在籍し、広告効果測定ツールであるWebAntenna (ウェブアンテナ) の開発に携わっていた。現在は採用活動と、USERGRAM (ユーザグラム) のマネジメントに力を注いでいる。



2020年5月です。実は以前にもビービットに在籍していた時期があります。当時は WebAntenna(ウェブアンテナ) を開発していました。WebAntennaは広告効果測定ツールで、現在も提供しています。






実は前と同じ映像配信システムの会社に戻ったんです。私が離れている間に映像配信の市場が大きく伸びていて、新しい挑戦ができるというのは大きな魅力でした。実際に大学の講義収録システムの導入案件や、大手製薬会社のライブ配信サービスのシステム構築支援にも携わり、貴重な経験ができました。5年間ほど在籍して、成果を出せたこともありましたが、同時にマネージャとして果たすことができない限界も長く感じていました。そんな時にビービットから「USERGRAM (ユーザグラム) の成功に力を貸してほしい」と声をかけてもらい、再び入社することになりました。
















USERGRAM のプロジェクトでは、スクラムで開発をしています。そのうちの2つのチームのマネジメントを担当しています。チームは自律して仕事を進めていますが、ボトルネックがあって仕事が進まないことがあります。メンバーのスキル不足が原因であれば、どう補って成長につなげていくかをサポートします。また英語を使うチームならではのコミュニケーションに関する課題を抱えることがあるので、原因となっていることを整理して解消していきます。チームの課題解決をサポートして、パフォーマンスを発揮できる状態にしていくのが私の役割です。エンジニアのようにアウトプットする達成感はありませんが、課題を解決することでチームのパフォーマンスが向上すると、素直に嬉しいですね。








達成したい目的に近づく仕事をしているかどうか、一日の中でも全体が良い方に向かっているかを常に確認して、仕事の優先順位を判断するようにしています。USERGRAM でもビービット全体でも、サービス・プロダクトを通じてより良いユーザー体験を提供していくことを目指しています。私自身も、その目標にどれだけ近づけるかを常に考えて仕事をしています。




現在は2チームのマネジメントをしていますが、今後は全体を見て不足している部分を補っていきたいと考えています。具体的にやることが決まっているわけではありませんが、USERGRAM 全体として何が足りないかは見えてきているので、より良い状態にしていけるよう全力を尽くします。






【インタビュー 一覧】

“ユーザー中心”のサービスを育てるスピリットが、ここにはあった。インタビュー #1 エンジニア上杉さん

ビービットとの出会いは、仲間と一緒にサービスを作る楽しさを教えてくれた/インタビュー #2 エンジニア 安保さん

ソフトウェアエンジニアリングは日々進化している。常に新しいドアを開け、熱意を持って挑戦し続けたい/インタビュー#3 エンジニア ニラヴさん

新卒2年目のエンジニアに聞く ビービットへ入社した3つの決め手、きつかった研修期間、顧客を支えるやりがい、今後の目標 / インタビュー#4 エンジニア 山崎さん

重工メーカーの研究職から開発エンジニアへ。メンバーの成長を支え、目指すは「最高のユーザー体験の提供」/ インタビュー#6 エンジニア 池田さん

多くのネパール人エンジニアを育て上げた大学講師から開発エンジニアへ。日本に来た理由 、USERGRAMの魅力、ビービットで働く意味。/ インタビュー# 7 エンジニア ビノドさん

「凡庸な毎日を変えたかった」ネパール出身のエンジニアに聞く、リスクを冒す理由、モチベーションの源泉、挑戦してみたいこと。/ インタビュー #8 エンジニア サガールさん

The only "mission" that beBit, a company that is not afraid of change, has never changed.

Interview with the deputy chief of development team Mitsuru Oka

At beBit, we have employees with diverse backgrounds working in various positions.
This time, I'd like to introduce Mr. Oka, working as the deputy chief of the product development team. Mr. Oka left beBit once and joined the company again five years later. We asked him why.

Mitsuru Oka / Deputy Chief of Development Team
Joined beBit in 2020 after working as an engineer at a company that provides a video streaming service. He previously worked at beBit for seven years, where he was involved in the development of WebAntenna, an advertising effectiveness measurement tool. Currently, he is focusing on recruiting and USERGRAM, management.

The only thing that beBit, which is not afraid of change, has never changed.

-When did you join the company?

I joined the company in May 2020. I was working at beBit before that, actually. At that time, I was developing WebAntenna, an advertising effectiveness measurement tool that we still provide today.

-Oh, really! What did you do before you first joined beBit?

I was working as an engineer at a company that developed video distribution systems. At that time, there was still no market for video distribution systems in Japan. I participated in the launch of the US system and worked on its localization and commercialization in Japan.

-What led you to join beBit in the first place?

My senior in graduate school was working at beBit, and he invited me to join. At that point, I was busy with work and wasn't thinking about changing jobs, but I was happy that he invited me, so I took my time to sort out my feelings. After all, it took about a year for me to be able to organize my resignation.
I think the fact that they waited until then was one of the main reasons I decided to change my job.

-And you were involved in the development of WebAntenna before leaving beBit.

I actually went back to the same video distribution system company as before. While I was away, the video distribution market was growing significantly, and the ability to take on new challenges was a big attraction. I had been with the company for about five years. Although I achieved some results, I also felt that I had a long way to go before I could fulfill my responsibilities as a manager. At that time, beBit approached me and asked to help make "USERGRAM", a success, and I decided to join the company again.

-Please tell us what has and has not changed since you re-joined beBit.

What has not changed is the mission of beBit. I believe that beBit has an unwavering belief. The company has a mission "By exploring human psychology and behavioral characteristics, we provide truly useful services and user experiences." and I empathize with it. There are several services offered by beBit, but all of them are designed with this mission in mind.
On the other hand, except for the mission statement, there is probably nothing that has not changed. Most of the people I worked with are no longer with us, and the culture has changed a lot as people have changed. I think this is a company that is not afraid of change. I have a strong feeling that I am taking on a new challenge in a new company rather than returning to the previous one.

Right judgment of the situation is the key to solving the problem.

-What are you working on now?

I am concurrently in charge of HR management and recruiting for the development team. My workload varies from time to time. Sometimes I'm focused on management. Other times I'm focused on recruiting.

-Did you want to do your current job?

I don't have a strong desire to do what I love at work, but rather what I can do to provide value through our products. When I returned to beBit, I thought about what pieces were missing, and as a result, I am doing what I am doing now.

-What do you do in the recruitment process?

The hiring process begins with a hiring plan that considers the company's business plan while hearing from each team about the skills and positions in short supply. After that, our recruiting team members will conduct document screening and first-round interviews to determine if the candidate can work with us as a team member. In the second interview, the product owner (the role responsible for the product) and a team member with the skill set of the position will determine if the expected skillset is sufficient. If the candidate is a good match for the team, we proceed to the final interview. That is our general process of recruitment.

-What is the recent tendency of applicants?

Recently, there has been an increase in the number of applications from overseas, more than Japanese. I had never done any recruiting activities targeting foreign candidates before, so I was surprised and happy to know that many foreigners want to work in Japan.

-What kind of people do you want to work with?

I want to work with someone who's many times more capable than I am. I believe that it is my mission to have as many of these people as possible play an active role in the company. I also want to work with someone who relates to the mission beBit values.

-The other role, management, what do you do?

In the USERGRAM project, we are developing with Scrum. I am in charge of the management of two of those teams. The teams work autonomously, but sometimes some bottlenecks prevent them from getting their work done. If this is due to a lack of skills among the team members, I help them figure out how to make up for it and grow. Also, we sometimes have communication issues specific to English-speaking teams, so we will sort out the causes and resolve them. My role is to help the team solve their problems and get them to a state where they can perform well. I don't have the same sense of accomplishment as an engineer in terms of output. Still, I am honestly happy when my team's performance improves by solving issues.

-You said that you support problem-solving. What is essential in solving problems?

It is essential to judge the team's situation correctly. If you listen to one side of the argument and make assumptions, you will not solve the problem. For example, suppose there is a member who is the bottleneck. In that case, I try to understand the situation as objectively as possible by listening to how that person sees the current situation and how the people around them see it. Then, we discuss and adjust our direction. Each person has his or her way of achieving self-actualization. Still, since we are working together, we want to run on the same vector. We want everyone to be able to work in sympathy with the goals we want to achieve.

Always think about whether I am working to bring me closer to the goal I want to achieve.

-Please tell me about your typical day.

I start my day by taking my two kids to daycare, and I do my best because if I fail here, my whole schedule will be thrown off (laughs). Then I attend the morning meeting of the teams I am in charge of. After that, I do my own tasks, but my priority is to solve them when a problem arises.

-Is there anything that you keep in mind when you work?

I try to keep checking whether I am working closer to the goal I want to achieve and the whole day is going in the right direction to judge the priority of my work.
Whether it is USERGRAM or beBit as a whole, our goal is to provide a better user experience through our services and products. I am always thinking about how close we can get to that goal when I work.

-Do you have any internal events you recommend?

I recommend the sharing sessions where engineers share their technical experiences and knowledge. When I participate, I feel like I can update my knowledge and information. I think it's great to have a place where you can absorb knowledge outside of work.

-Is there anything you want to challenge in the future?

I'm currently managing two teams, but in the future, I'd like to look at the entire team and fill in the areas that are lacking. I don't have a specific task in mind, but I know what USERGRAM as a whole is lacking, and I will do my best to make it better.

-Lastly, do you have a message for those who are considering joining beBit?

beBit is a company where you can succeed with a high probability if you challenge correctly as an organization. You can challenge various things, and although you may fail, I believe you will also experience many successes. If you want to take on new challenges, I think this is an environment where you can enjoy your work. I hope to work with you if you can relate to the mission of beBit.

Mr. Oka is a reassuring presence for the team as he treats everyone with respect, considers their thoughts, and acts accordingly. In the interview, I felt his strong desire to support the organization as the backbone of beBit.

beBit's development team is looking for people to join Mr.Oka and his team!

【Other Interviews】

"beBit has taught me the joy of creating a service with my colleagues" Interview with engineer Motoyasu Abo

"There is a spirit of developing user-centered services here" Interview with engineer Osuke Uesugi.

“Software Engineering is volatile — one needs the zeal to pick up on new concepts” Interview with engineer Nilav Khatiwada

Interview with a new graduate engineer in his second year - The three deciding factors for joining beBit, tough training period, the fulfillment of supporting users, and his future goals / Interview with engineer Yoshitaka Yamazaki

From a researcher at a heavy industry manufacturer to a software development engineer, he supports team members' growth, aiming to "provide the best user experience." / Interview with engineer Kazuki Ikeda

Former Lecturer who helped train many Nepali engineers, Now A Seasoned Software Engineer ー Why he came to Japan, the magic of USERGRAM, and the reason for working at beBit. / Interview with engineer Binod Raj Pandey

"I wanted to change my mundane routine life." An interview with an engineer from Nepal on why he takes risks, what motivates him, and what he wants to challenge. / Interview with engineer Sagar Giri

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