
Intern's Capstone Project

<English follows Japanese>

KPMG Ignition Tokyo(KIT)のインターンシッププログラム點火(てんか)では、学校で学んだことがどのように現場で生かされるのかを体験できるように、参加者はプログラム開始後すぐにプロジェクトメンバーとしてチームに配属され、社員と一緒に業務に携わっていきます。今回、インターンシップで学んだことを定着させるために「キャップストーンプロジェクト」というものをスタートしました。






2021年現在はソリューション スタッフとして勤務





2021年現在はアソシエイト テクノロジー スタッフとして勤務

データサイエンティストインターン :私は主にドキュメンテーションとUIデザインのサポートを担当しました。今回のプロジェクトではデータサイエンティストとして力を発揮するというより、ビジネスアナリスト的な部分を経験することができました。普段自分が入っているプロジェクトでは、データサイエンティストとして業務に携わっているので、それとは違う役割を担うことができるのもこのプロジェクトの面白さでした。今回が初めての試みということだったので、皆さんも手探りだったのだと思いますが、結果的によい経験が積めました。



During KPMG Ignition Tokyo (KIT)'s internship program 點火(Tenka), all of our interns are assigned to a business project team right after their onboarding. This enables them to experience how the things they have learned at school are applied into a real business project. To enhance what they learned and experienced during the program, we have started “Capstone Project”.

Capstone project is "a project to sum up the whole internship experience." This 2 day project is designed to be held in the 4th or 5th month of the internship program. Interns are required to use all of their knowledge and skills that they acquired during their internship to accomplish this project. We interviewed three former interns who participated in the Capstone Project.

Software Engineer Intern

Finished this program in September, currently returning to the college and studying Computer Science.

Software Engineer Intern: At first, I was honestly worried about what I would do for this special project, but I decided to participate. During this project, one engineer intern who was working with me needed to cancel his internship. This was very unexpected. Because of that, I had to be in charge of most of the development part after all. It took time at first because it was my first time to use Power Platform for development. However, it all became a very good learning in the end. For example, since I am an engineer, I usually use a black screen, but I did not know most people in the back office use a white screen until I was pointed out during beta testing. Yellow fonts are very noticeable on black screens, but not at all on white screens. It brought me to think about not only product quality but users’experience.

User Experience Designer Intern

Currently working as Solution Staff

User Experience Designer Intern: I don't have an engineer background, so I was worried about how I could contribute to the project. After kicking off the project, I realized that there was a part that I could be of help from the perspective of UX (user experience). However, at that time, a state of emergency was declared in Tokyo so it was not easy to get together, and it made us very difficult to design the User Interface(UI) within the team. We had a tough time to describe design details in words. There was an online whiteboard, but I couldn't make the most of it. What worked well was capturing my rough design by photo and sharing it with team members. We all thought about the requirements, designed them, and put them into the form of an app. It was also a good experience to be able to finally make it go live and present it at a company-wide meeting!

User interface drawing

Coded out the above image by team members

Data Scientist Intern

Currently working as Technology Staff

Data Scientist Intern: I was mainly responsible for documentation and UI design support. In this project, I was able to experience the business analyst part rather than being a data scientist. In my daily work, I am involved in projects as a data scientist, so it was also interesting to be able to play a different role. Since this was my first try, I think everyone was groping, but it led to be as a good result.

KIT has a "Why don't you try it?" culture. This means, on the other hand, we need to think and shape by ourselves. Creating and driving your own ideas is sometimes hard, but the purpose of this capstone project was to let the interns experience the joy of these moments.

The whole idea of the Capstone project could not be completed without the support of KIT members from various departments. Interns managed their tasks perfectly while having many troubles during the project. We are so proud of what they have done, so are other KIT members. We will continue providing various opportunities to our interns to enrich their capabilities during our Internship program.

JP: https://home.kpmg/jp/ja/home/careers/memberfirm/kit/capstone-project.html

株式会社KPMG Ignition Tokyoでは一緒に働く仲間を募集しています