
AIエンジニアが語る、2.1兆件超のビッグデータ × 最先端のAI技術で実現したい未来 /(What I want to contribute in Cyber Security Cloud that holds trillions of Big Data and AI Technology)


This time we interviewed Sergio Calle Jimenez, an AI Engineer from R&D Department of Cyber Security Cloud (CSC), to find out more about him, his professional career and his future plans within the company.



Could you tell me about yourself?

I came to Japan in 2015 to study Mathematics and Physics at Tokyo Institute of Technology and to finish my PhD (Doctor of Philosophy). At that time, I was not thinking of applying to a security company. But when I was doing some research about cyber security, I realized that my background will fit in cyber security since I was programming using C plus, Fortran, python, and also I was doing some algorithms using data science. So my background is far away from cyber security, but I can apply my knowledge to it.

   :Graduated from Tokyo Institute of Technology and joined CSC in 2019 as an AI



Why did you choose to join CSC?

The reason I chose to join CSC is that I like the project, since I can use my skills and knowledge of data science and at the same time the Company was already established with some working products so that indicated to me that the members in the Company know the Cyber security business deeply.
For a long time I was interested in Cyber Security, I was reading several news and research papers about it. I always wanted to do something about cyber security but I never had an opportunity. So I am really happy that I joined CSC.



当初は、アルゴリズム開発向けの研究データを見つけるのにかなり苦労しました。良い研究データを見つけたと思っても、それを実際のデータと掛け合わせると、全く機能しない場合があるからです。 そこで、私は、チームの月例会議で自身のプランをレビューしてもらうようにし、サイバーセキュリティの専門家である他のメンバーへ相談することで問題を解決するようにしています。今では慣れてきて、問題なく作業を進めることができています。

Could you tell me about your job in CSC?

There are 3 points.
First, you need to prototipe several algorithms or ideas to detect possible attacks, do some kind of brainstorming.
Second, we need to read many papers and understand what the other companies or researchers in many universities are doing right now.
And at the end, we develop our algorithm and do a real test with the vast amount of data we have in our Company, this will tell us how our algorithm can help us to detect different new attacks.

At the beginning I had a hard time finding good research. This is because even if you think you find good research, once you put that into real life data, sometimes it does not work at all. Now I am getting used to it, since we have a monthly check in the team and we can solve the problem by speaking with other members who are experts in cyber security.
I really enjoy communicating with my team and seeing how an idea is becoming a real detection.



Why AI is important or necessary for cyber security?

Day by day the interaction with cyberspace is growing and it does not look like it will stop that tendency for several years. All of these interactions expose us more to cyberattacks, attackers know that and nowadays we can see how the attacks are changing and developing, trying to find new ways to find new holes in the system. That is why the usual ways to detect attacks normally fail to detect new attacks, so more sophisticated tools are needed to fill that gap. Here is where AI can contribute to mitigate those new attacks, learning from the data between the WebApp and its customer, an AI algorithm could manage to anticipate possible threats winning the fight against the attackers.




What do you want to achieve in CSC?

My main goal is to develop a new tool to detect threats from attackers to give more value to CSC. I would like to show to the people our detection algorithm and discuss with different institutes or universities to generate several discussions which could help our R&D group, and why not! generate a really known R&D group in the cybersecurity community.

So please if you are willing to learn about Cyber Security and if you have mathematics skills don't hesitate to try!

15 いいね!
15 いいね!