Hello, My name is Aizatul Azerina Bte Sazali. I'm currently studying in Republic Polytechnic Year 3 taking Diploma in Engineering Design with Business. It teaches me a lot about design engineering solution that drives success in a business. I am honoured to be given the chance to learn what I like. Aside from that, I am also apart of a Malay theatre group in my school which I am highly passionate about.
I knew that my path of learning or interest has always been towards the design industry anything from media, graphics or commercial designs. I enjoy the type of environment that allows me to create and innovate design ideas. Aside from that, I enjoy blogging, photography and making short films on my free time.
Diploma in Engineering design with Business Relevant studies: Entrepreneurship, Product design and prototyping, Introduction to User Experience, Computer Programming, Engineering Design
Aizatul Azerinaさん
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