
I am a first year student in University. I enjoy talking to people and I am trying to compliment it with acquiring skills in the cyber-security field. I am interested in making connections and getting to know the industry what they want. I am also parallelly learning a language foreign to me. I am looking for experience.



I am interested in interacting with people and protecting their information and gaining experience

Security Blue Team2 months

Introduction to Threat Hunting- course(Independently Pursued)

I have learned how to identify basic Indicators of Compromise using software like Mandiant and Redline and how to flag them.

Introduction to Vulnerability Management- Course

An introduction to Vulnerability management, I have learned on how to analyze a file for its vulnerabilities and weaknesses by testing on sample files.


  • English - Professional
  • Hindi - Conversational
  • Japanese - Conversational
  • Other - Professional
