Decision Mapper / Machine Learning Engineer
Computational linguist gone Computer Science. Soon-to-be Master of Data Science. University gave me NLP, AI and Python, and what I don't know, I learn myself.
ページを訪ねてくれて、ありがとうございます! そろそろ勉強が終わりますから、ついに求職をやり直せます。 今、DL/ML/NLPの仕事が探して、1−2年に移転つもりです。もし、私が仕事に適しているなら、連絡いただければ幸いです。 最後に、2,3月ぶりにオンラインコースができます。Coursera万歳!ファイナンスが恋しかった〜
Part of Knowledge Management framework development for Deloitte. AI Team: project coreplatform. - Currently developing an automated benchmark for NER module. - Plans: a load-testing system for NER module; develop a question-answering system.
Automation Testing Team. - Refactored test scripts for automation testing. - Introduced weekly error reporting standards. - Made numerous framework optimizations. Improved overall code quality and efficiency.
Part of Knowledge Management framework development for Deloitte. SemX team: Semantic Web functionality. - Developed a Structured document module: Table ingestion, triplet generation, full-text search;
Laboratory of Algorithms and Technologies for Networks Analysis ( https://nnov.hse.ru/latna/ )
General Data Science (Computer Vision, NLP, Reinforcement Learning, etc.) and Computer Science centered Master's programme. Thesis: Image Classification Algorithms based on Object Detection and Structural Pattern Recognition. M.S., Data Mining, GPA 3.82. More about the programme: https://nnov.hse.ru/en/ma/data/
An NLP-centered Bachelor's programme. The program helped me build strong foundation for linguistics, gave me Python, ML and DL, NLP methods and techniques. Thesis: Automatic Classification of Russian-Language Questions B.A. Linguistics, GPA 3.88, Honors More about the programme: https://nnov.hse.ru/en/ba/ling
Erasmus+ Scholarship for Winter Semester 2017. Full exchange semester in Germany, focusing on Linguistics, NLP and German language.