This is my personal project under development. The final goal of this project is to provide a tool for users to read the bible and markdown events which can be shared to all the other users through the timeline. Therefore, every reader will be able to know what is happening, if they start at some random page in the bible. Tech Stack: ReactJS, NodeJS, GraphQL, AWS, Firebase Authentication, Mocha /w Chai, Postman CLI, Docker, AWS CodePipeline, AWS CodeBuild, Progressive Web App, Firestore
Hotel Integration Project is a project that allows handy to integrate with other hotel's PMS system. I am helping to develop the backend system in this project using AWS and NodeJS. This project has been already successfully deployed in more than 10 hotels. Tech Stack: NodeJS, PHP, Serverless, AWS, Docker, SNS, SQS
Lai Zacharyさん
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