My name is MD. Ashraful Alam and currently I am working as a Software Engineer (Backend) in Tokyo, Japan. I am a full-stack backend engineer with having professional skills like PHP (Codeigniter, Laravel, Cake PHP frameworks), RDBMS,MySQL,SQlite, Jquery, Javascript, HTML5, CSS3. Besides i have some experience in devOps tool like docker and AWS.
A monitoring system to find bug/errors and data monitoring. There are 3 parts of this project: contact management, Suspension notice and Rbell. Technology used : FuelPHP, SQLite,XML,Webhook,Mailserver Contribution : 1. Old alert monitoring feature development. 2. Many alert monitoring feature development. 3. Docker environment setup. 4. System documentation writing.
A job portal based on Japan and Taiwan. There are 3 parts of this project. Student portal, Employer portal and Admin portal Technology used : Laravel, MySQL, JSON, jQuery, Pusher, API Contribution : 1. Multi region student search functionality design and development. 2. Employer and student chat function design and development. 3. Redesign 6 static pages 4. Database optimization. 5. Recruitment analysis.
Matching application like “Dine”. That is a react native app. I work on API development. Technology used : Laravel, MySQL, JSON, jQuery, API Contribution : 1. Recruitment analysis. 2. System design. 3. Database design. 4. API development. 5. System documentation writing. 6. Task scheduling.
The main goal of this project is digitalizing the educational institution. This system is used by around 150 educational institutes in Bangladesh. Technology used : CakePHP, MySQL, JSON, jQuery, Payment API Contribution : 1. System design. 2. Database design. 3. Payroll system development. 4. Student/Teacher/Parent functionality development. 5. Exam result report development. 6. Maintain versioning for different educational institutions.
Bhata is designed to financially support the old and disabled person all over Bangladesh. Technology used : Laravel, MySQL, jQuery, API Contribution : 1. Unable/Special person Listing functionality. 2. Beneficiaries benefit feature development and report generation. 3. Beneficiaries benefit/payroll report generation functionality development. 4. Database design.
This Web Application is to minimize the workflow and archiving the history of land related information and usages of Bangladesh Land Ministry. Technology used : Cake PHP, MySQL, jQuery, Payment API Contribution : 1. Owner’s land information motoring. 2. Dynamic land report development. 3. Land related service function development. 4. Service related payroll system development. 5. Database optimization.
This Web application is developed for the garments factory to monitor purchase, Service, Inventory process controlling, Invoice Mapping and Some of the core features. Technology used : Codeigniter, MySQL, jQuery, XML Contribution : 1. Inventory functionality development. 2. Invoice mapping functionality development. 3. Buyer/seller mapping functionality. 4. Database design analysis. 5. Recruitment analysis.
It’s a web application which is able to make digital prescription and store the medical history of every person. Technology used : Codeigniter, MySQL, jQuery, XML Contribution : 1. Recruitment analysis. 2. Database design 3. Single/multiple doctor schedule system development. 4. Patient’s prescription making functionality. 5. Medicine searching functionality. 6. Patient’s history feature development.
It’s a web-based HR Management System for the region of Australia and New Zealand. Technology used : Laravel, MySQL, jQuery, Payment API Contribution : 1. Web page design 2. Admin/Employer/Employee functionality development 3. Database design.
This project can help clients to get their services in a syncronize way. Technology used : Laravel, MySQL, jQuery Contribution : 1. Web page design. 2. Category Wise Token generation. 3. Token wise servicer taker call. 4. Service taker history mapping. 5. Database design.
MD Ashraful Alamさん
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