WomenINVEST / Business & Content Development
Poshaan is a spirited, enthusiastic, and keenly driven individual actively interested in opportunities to explore management consulting, brand marketing and investing. He is currently working with 2 start-ups while awaiting matriculating into NUS’s highly coveted PPE (Politics, Philosophy & Economics) program. In all his endeavours, from being a Commando to leading a project at WomenINVEST, he der
As an investor in the US & SG equity markets since 2019 and as someone who is passionate about Economics, I am considering a career in the banking & finance sector. To that extent, I have made a concerted effort to acquire information about the industry, despite the overwhelming commitments of serving my NS in Commando. By completing an o
Business Development: - In the pipeline: Planning to establish ambassadors/chapter system by working closely with the marketing team - Develop targetted strategies for client retention & acuqisition
- Project Lead on TaCo teachers compensation proposal --> Used market research on various types of profit-sharing agreements to come up with a customised solution for this start-up - Refined B2B & B2C surveys to improve the feedback loop
- Having to juggle myriad responsibilities as a combat medic as well as living up to the high demands of being a Commando in an elite unit within the SAF taught me the importance of making sacrifices to protect something greater and has trained me to multi-task through careful planning and time-management.
• Area of focus was Singapore's foreign policy interests and multilateral relations with international organisations such as FOSS (Forum of Small States), ASEAN, and the UN. • Monitored and reported on regional developments of national interest
Activities and Societies: Raffles Debaters, Raffles Waterpolo Leadership: Captain of the Debate Team, Organised an international trip to a Vietnamese Orphanage in Hanoi H2 Econs, H2 Geography, H2 Math, H2 Literature, H1 GP
• Conducted market research on Telco companies in North America, Europe, Asia • Quantitative forecasts for each industry based on past market data
• Received directions from the District Judge to refer litigants to appropriate agencies for further assistance. • Front-line office experience - Registering complainant's testimonies when they applied for Personal Protection Orders (PPO's), Magistrate approval and expla