Born and raised in a small US town but graduated from the University of Hawaii. I lived in Japan for a year on exchange and have now lived here permanently for 6 year. I have met and lived with people from all over the world and believe a global workplace is paramount for all future businesses. I am passionate about games, sports, travel and technology.
I want to be a part of a company that is growing and innovating and has connections all around the globe. 高いコミュニケーション力とチームワーク力を持って、問題解決が得意です。
Teacher in English conversation after school program. Created lesson plans and held events for students to participate in. 英会話の教師、授業の準備、プレゼンテーション作
English teacher in Japanese Elementary and Junior High school. Prepared classes and worked close with Japanese staff to create a good learning environment for students.
IT support worker to help with common computer issues and set up presentations and office computers. Work also includes building and replacing computer parts and imaging and installing software.
A major in Japanese language and literature with a minor in breadth (many various other subjects, English, Math, Business)
Sean Singkampさん
Wantedlyユーザー もしくは つながりユーザーのみ閲覧できる項目があります
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