I have been working as programmer for over 3 years, in the passing 18 months, I am working in a well-known bank of Japan and WorldWide in Hong Kong.
The system was original developed by a previous PHD students with customized algorithm based on Java Spring Framework and MariaDB, I am responsible to maintain and optimize the data flow to retrieve and process satellite images to achieve semi-real time data visualization. I have enhanced the querying method between DB and the front end, to archive a higher performance and reduce the query time.
Beidou GPS is the satellite navigation system developed by China. Siu Long was instructed to cooperate with another Msc student in system design and development. The algorithm was proposed by the Msc student and the remaining part of the system was designed and developed by Siu Long. The system was included an Android Application and Server side application written in C#. The project implemented real-time GPS signal correction on mobile phone and highly reduced latency and transmission of data.
The System was a combination of different sensors in environment monitoring, sensors will logging the temperature, humidity, dust, sound and UV level. The system is cloud device and Siu Long was fully responsible in the design and development 2nd generation of the system. The project involved hardware design, software design and server side software development. The project was funded by Construction Industry Council for further development and research from 2015 to 2017.
I am willing to change to a new environment and using the latest technology. Fin-Tech is my first-choice, but I believe that there are many different area that I can challenge for them.
SiuLong Chanさん
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