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  • 1エントリー



on 2018/06/19





株式会社イベント21 西日本


株式会社イベント21 西日本 その他


What kind of company is Event21? Event21, is not simply just an event company! Through events we are a happy create company that through events create happy!for the world! "Huh? That`s really cool!!!" For those of you who thought this, please continue reading!
Just one of the events our staff has helped with!
While we are mostly into rentals, as of late we have been working more with the design and creating of events as well!
These our interns, who through their experience share our vision!
With our companions growing, we have made 21 new members in 2018! We are still looking for new applications as well!
Every year we are making a new branch in Japan, and also planning branches overseas!!
In order to make the world a happier! place, we make events within our company to make sure our visions come true!


Just one of the events our staff has helped with!

While we are mostly into rentals, as of late we have been working more with the design and creating of events as well!

What kind of company is Event21? Event21, is not simply just an event company! Through events we are a happy create company that through events create happy!for the world! "Huh? That`s really cool!!!" For those of you who thought this, please continue reading!


Every year we are making a new branch in Japan, and also planning branches overseas!!

In order to make the world a happier! place, we make events within our company to make sure our visions come true!

you happy,we happy! This is Event21 Co. ltd.'s Philosophy! Your happiness is our happiness! With that being said, how do you feel? For instance, the times that you feel happy are they with your friends or your family? Or on the other side, when your family or friends feel happy、have you ever felt happy because of it? In this sense of happiness, it is not just for you or for your family; if you share it with everyone you become more happy!! And this belief is the same that is shared by all of our employees! While there are many ways to make those around you and yourself happy, we at Event21 have chosen to do it through events! Through which、those whom attend the event、the area、and our own staff; we make happy! It appears difficult, but is actually a simple. As members of Event21 we work to make all of Japan, no, all of the WORLD happy! with what we do everyday! Though our company started out in Nara, up till now we have made offices in: Vietnam, Tokyo, Kanagawa, Osaka, and many other areas to create happy for all parts of Japan and the world!!!! Nara Home Office:639-0243 Nara ken, Kashibashi,Fujiyama 1-3-15 Tokyo branch: 114-0014 Japan, Tokyo, Kita-ku. Tabata 5-14-13 Kanagawa branch: 223-0061 Japan, Kanagawa ken, Yokohama shi, Kohoku-ku, Hiyoshi 5-22-50 Yokohama Hiyoshi branch: 223-0061 Kanagawa ken, Yokohama shi, Minatokita-ku Hiyoshi 5-23-50 Osaka branch:533-0013 Japan, Osaka,Osaka shi ,higashiyodogawa-ku toyosato5-1-9 Aichi brach: 454-0997 Japan, Aichi, Nagoya shi, Nakagawa-ku Manba 5-2415 Vietnam Branch : 72 Le Thanh Ton and 45A Ly Tu Trong Street, Ben Nghe Ward, District 1,Ho Chi Minh City.VINCOM Center Office Tower 14Floor Chiba Branch in the planning Kyoto Branch in the planning New York Branch from 2021!!!!


These our interns, who through their experience share our vision!

With our companions growing, we have made 21 new members in 2018! We are still looking for new applications as well!

With our power coming from our Web Abilities, we are making all events all over Japan go smooth and help our customers rest assured. Our companies website, is updated everyday by web-team to make sure of this. Up until now, there have been no companies that have used this type of power, making it one of our best! From the web in top class style, we receive 100+ inquiries everyday where we quickly quote and respond, as well as work the events like no other! Through our system, we make up 50% of our power through our ability to communicate with our customers, the other 50% comes from our great service, and finally we go above and beyond to make sure our customers feel great after using our service! Our company with over 2000 surveys, we have been assured that our customers will use our service again with kinds words such as this: "The staff's ability to reply to my needs was amazing; I was at a lose for words". Our company will never say anything is impossible. We also work with all of our might to create happy! for our customers.These two make up our strengths. While also we work with our Associate Company Network through all of our Japan and make sure that we can make our customers events go as great as possible while going beyond their expectations. Everyday we are asked to work all types of events from all over the place and even though the levels of experience among our staff may be different, we sill provide the best service! This is also part of our strengths. While we borrow some our power from around us, we provide a great system that makes sure we have the best and most pinpoint number available. With that system available to us, we are able to give our customers the best service online and in-person! We love a good challenge. We doubt anything that is considered normal. If we think it is good, we act! That is why we are able to provide services all over the world! With that, we have the power to make anything interesting!


東京支店新人の臼井です! 4月から入社してもう2ヶ月経ちました。 いつもイベント漬けの毎日を過ごしています。 最近自分なにに心を熱くしたか、考えました。 町で体験したイベントが浮かびました。 イベントは普段の生活で身近にあるものであり、普段の生活をより、豊にしてくれるものです!この心を豊にしてくれるイベントを僕達と一緒に世界中に届けてくれる仲間を大募集中です!!!皆さんよろしくお願いします!! ★次回会社説明会情報★ 関東エリア 日程:7月13日(金) 時間:10時~12時 場所:〒222-0033神奈川県横浜市港北区新横浜1-3-10 新横浜IOビル801 神奈川支店 関西エリア ・日程:7月20日(金) ・時間:10時~12時 ・場所:〒533-0013 大阪府大阪市東淀川区豊里5丁目1-9 大阪支店




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