
  • English Teacher
  • 3エントリー

In House English Instructor

English Teacher

on 2019/04/06



In House English Instructor


吉田 浩一郎

クラウドワークスを創業して3年が経過し、多くの成功と失敗の中で学び、変化し続けた結果、現在は素敵なユーザー、社員、株主に囲まれています。 ・ユーザーは73万人を突破、クライアントは11万社突破 ・社員は、野村総研、三菱東京UFJ、電通、博報堂、ATカーニーなど様々な大企業から参画しており、一方で学生起業からの参画や高卒でプロのデザイナーを志して入社など、多様性に満ちています。 ・株主は、サイバーエージェント藤田社長、デジタルガレージ林社長、小澤隆生さん、山田進太郎さんなど各方面の成功者に支援を頂いています。 ぜひ気軽に我々の仲間に会いに来て下さい。メガベンチャーを一緒に生み出しましょう!

野村 真一

開発担当取締役。慶應SFC卒業後、モバイルコンテンツプロバイダ、フラッシュマーケティングサービスなどを経て、クラウドワークスの立ち上げに参画。創業期のクラウドワークスシステムをほぼ一人で構築する。「RubyWorld Conference 2013」ほか登壇多数。守備範囲の広さと安定稼働を強みとする。


クラウドワークスを創業して3年が経過し、多くの成功と失敗の中で学び、変化し続けた結果、現在は素敵なユーザー、社員、株主に囲まれています。 ・ユーザーは73万人を突破、クライアントは11万社突破 ・社員は、野村総研、三菱東京UFJ、電通、博報堂、ATカーニーなど様々な大企業から参画しており、一方で学生起業からの参画や高卒でプロのデザイナーを志して入社など、多様性に満ちています。 ・株主は、サイバーエージェント藤田社長、デジタルガレージ林社長、小澤隆生さん、山田進太郎さんなど各方面の成功者に支援を頂いています。 ぜひ気軽に我々の仲間に会いに来て下さい。メガベンチャーを一緒に生み出しましょ...


CrowdWorks Inc is known as one of the biggest crowdsourcing plat-former in Japan. Crowdsourcing is one of the web service that allows us to access the global workforce and connect them to jobs through direct online matching. through this business model, We aim to create new structure of society with "New working style" in Japan. Moreover, due to our vision, "Aim the world's largest Internet remuneration platform.", we are running various services related to crowdsourcing. If you want to know more details of our business, please take a look at our Q1 Presentation Material for IR as bellow; http://u0u0.net/ZNNz
"CrowdWorks" is one of the biggest platform for crowdsourcing business
Other platform that we run, agent business for crowdsourcing as well
Awarding moment of the"1st Nippon Venture Awards" by Ministry of Economy in Japan
CrowdWorks 5th anniversary celebration


"CrowdWorks" is one of the biggest platform for crowdsourcing business

Other platform that we run, agent business for crowdsourcing as well

CrowdWorks Inc is known as one of the biggest crowdsourcing plat-former in Japan. Crowdsourcing is one of the web service that allows us to access the global workforce and connect them to jobs through direct online matching. through this business model, We aim to create new structure of society with "New working style" in Japan. Moreover, due to our vision, "Aim the world's largest Internet remuneration platform.", we are running various services related to crowdsourcing. If you want to know more details of our business, please take a look at our Q1 Presentation Material for IR as bellow; http://u0u0.net/ZNNz


Awarding moment of the"1st Nippon Venture Awards" by Ministry of Economy in Japan

CrowdWorks 5th anniversary celebration

We carry a mission which is "Revolution on Work style", and our vision is "Aim the world's largest Internet remuneration platform." with our sharing economy business and Fintech Business. Based on this vision, before being the world's largest Internet remuneration platform, we are now starting on being the local largest online employment infrastructure. We define our revolution on how much remuneration we delivered to our users, now aiming on being the world largest platform. Our sales is not more than the consequence of that revolution! Our main goal is to eliminate all barriers from place, time or lifestyle, giving every individual the chance to be remunerated, monetary and emotionally, through the internet.


CrowdWorks holds employees from diverse backgrounds, even from major and big companies, and SME, this diversity brings us high experienced employees in a variety of industries. Also, there are remote workers that work from home taking care of their children, we provide a variety of work style and take in consideration and respect diversity! if you want to know more details, feel free to read the following articles from our members!!! (Japanese only) https://www.wantedly.com/companies/crowdworks2/post_articles/139932 https://www.wantedly.com/companies/crowdworks2/post_articles/129176 https://www.wantedly.com/companies/crowdworks2/post_articles/114004 https://www.wantedly.com/companies/crowdworks2/post_articles/141208


As we grow in the Market, English is becoming a requisite to break through , due to a high demand of the language, we are currently seeking a High experienced In House English Instructor. In This role you will be mainly responsible to teach English for our executive members. [About the role] In this Role you will be responsible not only for teaching English but also: - Check and evaluate the English language skills - Plan and develop training curriculum based on each member's level - Conduct English lessons - Instruct each member, and help them to have a measurable qualification (TOIEC, TOEFL, etc.) - Keep track and conducting English lessons, running PDCA Since this is a new role in our company, any new ideas are welcome, so feel free to contact us! [Requirement] - Native English language skill - Japanese language skill (JLPT N1) - Working experience as English instructor/Teacher - English Classes curriculum design skills - High Motivation and Stress Management skills - Basic Japanese business manners [How to apply] Please subscribe from the button bellow "話を聞きに行きたい". This is a new role in our company, so if you have any cool idea to kick this off, feel free to apply and Let's Talk!



  1. 応募する「話を聞きに行きたい」から応募
  2. 会社からの返信を待つ
  3. 話す日程を決める
  4. 話を聞きに行く




  • 3000万円以上の資金を調達済み/
  • 1億円以上の資金を調達済み/

4-20-3, Ebisu , Shibuya Ku, Tokyo, Japan 6th Floor, Ebisu Garden Place Tower