Caleb Finley

株式会社東京ファクトリー / Software Engineer神奈川県 川崎市

Caleb Finley

株式会社東京ファクトリー / Software Engineer

Full Stack Software Engineer with extensive industry experience with JavaScript, React.js, Next.js, Node.js, React Native, Firebase, and AWS (Lambda, S3).



Software Engineer現在

- 現在

Le Wagon Tokyo3ヶ月

Full Stack Bootcamp


• Intensive full-stack bootcamp learning HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, JavaScript, SQL, and Ruby on Rails. • Created applications using Ruby on Rails and MVC architecture • Pushed apps to production using services such as GitHub, Heroku, and

ECC - Teach in Japan3年間

ESL Teacher (English as a Second Language Teacher)


• Passionately helping children and adults improve their English speaking ability. • Creating projects to boost the integrity of the school and share activities with students. • Communicating as a team with the staff and headquarters to foster student educational growth.

Indiana University (Bloomington)6年間

International Studies, East Asian Language & Culture


Volunteered to start and lead the Japanese Conversation Table
