I wish to expand my 3D Animation career into the Game/ Entertainment / Live Animation as next level. I love making animation in all fields and I never stop searching for new styles and forms to improve my skills. Watching kind of cartoons, movies, attending live concert & playing video games get my interest to boost my passions in doing
Conduct lectures and tutorial sessions on: Diploma in Digital Animation / Diploma in Game Design / Diploma in Interactive Media Monitoring & Supervising Young Students
Master Research in "An Exploratory Research Into Designing Wayang Kulit Characters On Mobile Game To Preserve For Young Generation Of Malaysia"
Studying & learning advanced level in Animation & Visual Effects course: -3D Animation -VFX Productions -Sound Editor
Industrial Trainee / Animators in Short Animation Film Responsible in Animating Production Shots in Animation Series Called Upin & Ipin
Starting in learning basic course in 3D Animation: -Drawing - 3D Modelling - Character Production -3D Animation
Fauzi Khalidさん
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