
Creator / Developer

I am a fullstack software engineer based in Osaka, Japan. I currently run my own 3D design/printing company but want to become a full time developer! I learn quickly, stay motivated and grow by trying; changing my career path has taken some time, but I have grown in a short amount of time.

  • Cosplay Radar

    Web scraper application, find upcoming conventions and popular characters for cosplay.

  • Portfolio

    Landing page for my background and projects I've worked on

  • Life In Balance

    Online yoga booking class, find lessons and join up with teachers



- Fullstack, Backend, Frontend Developer - Part time or full time - Any location, remote, in-person

Adventurer's Hoard3年間


- 現在

Began my own business designing 3D models, printing and selling online to customers. Also includes customer relations and troubleshooting 3Dモデルをデザインし、印刷し、顧客にオンラインで販売するビジネスを開始しました。 また、顧客対応やトラブルシューティングも行う

Code Chrysalis Immersive Bootcamp6ヶ月

Part time immersive boot camp


Strengths: JavaScript, NodeJS, Django, DRF, Heroku, PostgreSQL, Github, Agile development, CI/CD Experienced: Vue, Knex, React, Ruby, Rails, Python, AWS, Docker

Part time immersive boot camp

Code Chyrsalis: Full stack engineering, CI/CD, Agile development, Slack, Github, pair/team coding + solo projects. コードシルサリス。フルスタックエンジニアリング、CI/CD、アジャイル開発、Slack、Github、ペア/チームコーディング、ソロプロジェクト。


  • 英語 - ネイティブレベル
  • 日本語 - 日常会話レベル
