Christophe Bourgeonnier

Career Break / FullStack Web DevelopmentTokyo, Japan

Christophe Bourgeonnier

Career Break / FullStack Web Development

Ruby/Rails Developer

Driven by a passion for technology, and a keen interest for programming, I transitioned into web development, aiming to take advantage of my experience to make a impact. Feel free to connect with me if you’re interested in working together!



My diverse professional background has given me the ability to think out of the box, and communicate complex ideas in simple terms, making me an effective team player. I am passionate about creating beautiful and functional applications to solve real-world problems, and I always look forward to new challenges and opportunities to learn and grow.

Career Break1年間

FullStack Web Development現在

- 現在

Transitioning from Interior Design to Full Stack Development, while being a stay-at-home father. Presently studying web development and building solo mini-projects as well as group projects.

Le Wagon Tokyo3ヶ月

FullStack Web Development


9-week full-time intensive coding bootcamp Learned HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, JavaScript ES6, Stimulus.js, SQL, git, GitHub, Heroku and Ruby on Rails. Designed, implemented and shipped to a Rails prototype of Basho : My GitHub profile:


Interior Designer


Space Planning · Interior Design · 3D Modeling · Model Making · Vectorworks · 3D Visualization Internship at Suzuko Yamada Architects (Tokyo, Jp)

Freelance - Contract14年間

English Teacher in Vietnam


- Taught General, Academic and Business English at Universities, Colleges and Language Centers to adults - Taught English and French to Primary and Secondary Public and International Schools - Prepared for Cambridge, TOEIC, TOEFL, IELTS exams. Worked in Ho Chi Minh City, VN


  • 英語 - ネイティブレベル
  • フランス語 - ネイティブレベル
  • スペイン語 - 日常会話レベル
