United Overseas Bank / Python Developer
An adaptable developer who is motivated in upskilling and self-development. Highly experienced in analyzing problems and applying solutions to produce successful results. Able to perform as an individual and as a contributing team member in a fast-paced, diverse and multinational work environment to achieve company’s objectives.
To be the best at the programming languages that I have learned!
- Full stack development of internal bank application, SMART, for monitoring, alerting and reporting of bank production operations - Implemented code enhancements and bug fixes - Liaised with business users for module enhancements, from requirements to testing
- Traineeship is part of SGUnited Mid-Career Pathways Programme - Worked in a team of backend/ frontend developers, QA and UX designers to: - Perform backend development of SGX Investor’s Portal
Full-Stack Coding Bootcamp Programme - Trained in HTML, CSS, Javascript and Python - Trained in MySQL and MongoDB database - Deployment on Heroku, Flask and Django Frameworks - Trained in ReactJS
Code Institute Project 4 - An e-commerce website for a health and fitness company selling fitness and mealplans - Developed using HTML, CSS, Python, Django and SQL
Code Institute Project 3 - A reporting website for safety with regards to accidents, near misses and violations - Developed using HTML, CSS, Python, Flask and MongoDb
Code Institute Project 2 - A game in which the user catches a Pokemon based on its type - Developed using HTML, CSS, JavaScript and Leaflet
- Trained in Applied Statistical Model and Data Mining Techniques - Trained in Pandas, Numpy, Minitab and Knime
Selected out of over 500 applicants for 30 places, due to passion and aptitude for technology
Responsible for on-site works of NOV equipment for drillfloor and subsea