
Greg Schuler

Dzus Industries / Founder and Director (part time)Tokyo, Japan

Greg Schuler

Dzus Industries / Founder and Director (part time)

UX Designer, service designer, and researcher

I'm a user experience designer, service designer, and researcher with over 15 years experience delivering creative, practical solutions. I also teach design thinking and mentor other professionals.

Dzus Industries8年間

Founder and Director (part time)現在

- 現在

I led the design and eventual launch of the Elemental Cocktails iOS. Elemental Cocktail continues to be the premium platform for sharing and collecting craft cocktail recipes.

30/30 Vision Design19年間

Principal UX Design Consultant現在

- 現在

For over 15 years, I've been running a solo design and research consulting business serving a diverse client base focused on the San Francisco Bay Area. During this time I also worked as full-time staff with well-known Bay Area agencies Cooper and Punchcut.


Principal Interaction Designer (consultant)



Senior UX Designer



Senior Teaching Faculty


I led public and private interaction design and service design courses including 4-day intensives. I coached individual students and groups on course projects and design process and developed course content.

Senior Interaction Designer

At Cooper I led a wide range of projects for health care, finance, and startup clients. I led projects from beginning to end, including stakeholder interviews, user research, design, and testing.

Georgia Tech

Computer Science現在

Computer Science specialty areas: Graphics, Visualization, & Usability; Software Engineering Completed coursework for a Certificate in Literature and Science


  • UX design

  • UX research

  • Service design

  • Design thinking

  • Mobile app design

  • Web design、Teaching、Mentoring



  • 英語 - ネイティブレベル
  • 日本語 - 日常会話レベル
