
Imranul Islam

株式会社盛武組 / Software Engineer宮崎県延岡市

Because You're Worth It

活かせる経験・知識 ・ お客様と英語でコミュニケーション ・基本的な日本語とのコミュニケーション ・ JavaScript, TypeScript, Angular, JQueryによるWebアプリケーションのフロントエンド開発



As a keen learner, I have gone through different aspects of Web development. I have got opportunities to work with different intellectuals, which is the building blocks of stable experience in software development for me. I am truly passionate about my work and always eager to connect with other software developers to learn and grow. Whil

株式会社盛武組5 years

Software Engineer現在

- 現在

ここでソフトウェアエンジニアとして働いています。 この会社は1958年に設立され、宮崎県延岡市にあります。

  • Report Management

    Project Name: Report Management Project description: This is a report management web application to manage daily reports of the company Moritake-Gumi Ltd. Involvement: I worked on this project as a Front-end developer. My main goal was to create an interactive application that is easy to use for the employees of the company. Technologies used: * Angular * Bootstrap 5 * HTML 5 * WebAPI


Meditor Health2 years

Web Application Developer


B-JET (Bangladesh-Japan ICT Engineers' Training Program)4 months

Japanese Language


B-JET ProgramはJICAによる技術協力プロジェクトとして、Bangladesh Computer Councilをカウンターパートに2017年に立ち上げられました。

Techorbital Technologies3 years

Web Developer


East West University5 years

BSc in CSE



  • English - Conversational
  • Japanese - Conversational
  • Hindi - Conversational
