Metro Cash & Carry Japan K.K. / Business Intelligence Supervisor
What I value most is goals. I think it is important to set yourself and the business goals and also to track the progress towards reaching these goals. Business decisions, as well as progress should based on and validated by the use of data. Therefore I have the passion to
Supporting the Business Intelligence Team I was in charge of steering Projects to support mainly support the delivery and sales force domains within the company. By automatizing data flow, creating metrics and reports I helped the teams to track their progress towards goals and supported them in making important business decisions.
Customer Order Fulfillment (顧客注文の履行) KPI analyzing and reporting (KPI解析と報告) Team lead/management (チームリーダー・マネジメント)
As part of a dual study program, I was able to study business informatics while working at METRONOM in Düsseldorf as a Business Analyst and Data Scientist.
ソフトプロジェクトとしてTerrariaというゲームのクローンをチームで開発しました。残念ながら、プロジェクトリンクは大学からプライベートに設定されて、シェアすることができません。 Sadly, the access to the project is set private. In the project I committed 115 times with 15,926 lines added and 2,104 removed. A sandbox, 2D, online-multiplayer game, developed by a group of students. Designed to be a project of 5 people, it was mainly finished by 3 in under 6 months. The game is a "clone" of the game "Terraria", but due to the restricted time not bugfree and with less features.
Japanese Language, Culture, Society and History Exchange year in Nagoya (南山大学)
Quality Assurance (品質保証) Test Development (品質保証のテスト開発)
Japanese (日本語の授業) About Japanese Businesses (日本のビジネスについて) Calligraphy (書道) Research in Japan (日本での研究の仕方)
Marketing and Customer Support (マーケティングやお客とのコミュニケーション) Translation English ⇄ Japanese (翻訳 日本語⇄英語) Introducing sightseeing spots through videos (観光場所を紹介するビデオの撮影)
High school (高校)