


一橋大学大学院 Hitotsubashi University (Official)


  • Bizjapan Changemakers Program 2016

    The 7-day program was held in Tokyo and Sakura city in Tochigi prefecture in 2016, in which 13 international students participated. During the initial 3 days in Tokyo, participants received a lecture on Japanese entrepreneurship after World War II by Seiichiro Yonekura, an honorary professor of Hitotsubashi University, and listened to a panel discussion on regional revitalization by NPOs and companies involved. They also deepened their understanding on Japanese technology through a visit to the National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology. On day 4 and 5, participants visited Sakura City in Tochigi prefecture, and collaborated with local organizations in fieldwork on the current situation in rural areas. On day 6 and 7, they made group presentations on service and product solutions they had come up with to tackle problems in rural areas of Japan. Through the 7-day program, participants learned the first two steps of being a Change Maker, which is 1. Identifying the issue, and 2. Creating a solution (with the last step being implementation of the solution)

  • INGSA2018 – Science Advice for a Changing World

    On the 6-7th November 2018 in Tokyo, Japan, the International Network for Government Science Advice (INGSA) hosted its 3rd biennial conference on International Science Advice to Government. INGSA is a global forum for policy-makers, practitioners, academies, and academics to share experience, build capacity, and develop theoretical and practical approaches to the use of scientific evidence in informing policy at all levels of government. INGSA2018 brought together policy professionals, leading practitioners, scholars, and industry representatives interested in the dynamics of the science-policy interface from over 50 countries. The conference explored the principles, practices, and dynamics of working at the science-policy interface, particularly in relation to achieving the UN Sustainable Development Goals.

  • TUFS Media Southeast Asia「日本語で読む東南アジアのメディア」

    The TUFS Media Project offers translated news from various countries and regions around the globe in order to familiarize society in Japan with the current world situation. This project is carried out by two schools (the School of Language and Culture Studies and the School of International and Area Studies) at Tokyo University of Foreign Studies (TUFS), under the "Conflict Resilience" Project. We sincerely appreciate the cooperation of the publishers who have kindly allowed us to translate their articles.



