
Miguel Carretero

Taxi administration / Administrative

Miguel Carretero

Taxi administration / Administrative

Hi! My name is Miguel, I am a 21 years old marketing student, and I am looking into exciting job experiences! I would like to work in image, brand, administration, and others, I am open to other ideas. Currently doing the Last year of my degree. English/spanish.



Marketing, image management, administration, RRHH, I like those áreas, I would love to find a work where I can improve myself as I deliver a great job! I want to find a nice and challenging enviroment to work and grow! As a personal goal, I would also like to learn and improve my japanese!

Taxi administration6年間


- 現在

Universidad del Norte, Santo Tomas de Aquino4年間

Facultad de Economía y Administración


I am finishing my degree in Comercialization. I learned about marketing, economy, accounting and personal management. So, I can perform in multiple áreas!
