
Brand & Technology Enthusiast

To me, Brand is "You", all of the brand you choose is representing yourself, your personal character, your uniqueness, it is your persona. No matter if its a low, mid, or high class brand or cheap product or a high quality product. it's just you because you know yourself and your capabilities.



Become the most helpful and relible person for colleague,friends,& family.

PT Standardpen Industries1年間

Product Executives


Create and develop marketing programs to introduce the product, either existing or to be launched, Responsible for the launch of new products from branding, promotion, and supporting material, Conducting customer research, market conditions, and competitior data analysis, Analysis of the effectiveness of the programs that run on sales, C

PT. Minova Infotech Solutions7ヶ月

Account Manager


Sales & Marketing

Multimedia Nusantara University

ICT Business Management/Marketing

Thesis : Effect Analysis of Consumers' Need for Uniqueness to Perceived Quality And Emotional Value and its implications toward Repurchase Intention: Study of Generation Y Consumers of UNIQLO Indonesia GPA : 3.37/4.00


  • 英語 - ビジネス会話レベル
  • インドネシア語 - ネイティブレベル
  • 日本語 - 日常会話レベル
