
Deliver happiness to people by design

An UX/UI designer with a wide range of experience spanning across designing professionals, specialized in design research, usability testing, design evaluation. I’ve been delivering an intuitive product that grows users’ happiness, promotes the company workflow. I thrive in a multi-disciplinary, human-centered, and fast-moving environment. My experiences span from tech, automotive, non-profit, and electronic industries.


UX Designer現在

- 現在

Srichand United Dispensa1年間

UX/UI Designer


- Coordinated with Business team and Brand manager to recreate visual identity and online presence. - Developed design system and visual identity for brand sites. - Designed end-to-end journeys and experiences that amplified both custome

Jacob Jensen Design A/S2年間

Product Designer


- Evaluated design solution by performing usability testing, suggest refinement for the design solution. - Planed and managed multiple projects at a time, supervised by the team lead.

King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi5年間

Bachelor of Fine and Applied Arts, Major in Design innovation


The Design Innovation Program provides a human-centered design approach. The core pedagogy is based on cooperative work allowing hands-on experience in user research and orientation. Trained to be a competent professional designer who can work creatively in design-oriented business practices, in both local and global environments.

  • Energy Gift

    Energy Gift is a project to lighten the hope and the economy of the people who live in remote area. Energy Gift is a compact solar-powered light source that designed to empower the people, being capable to do activities after sun set.



  • Qualitatively Research

  • UX Design

  • Design thinking

  • Agile

  • UI Design

  • Branding、Usability testing、Time Management


