
Po Yi Kwan

Queen Elizabeth School Old Students' Association Secondary School / Visual Art tutor

Po Yi Kwan

Queen Elizabeth School Old Students' Association Secondary School / Visual Art tutor

Hi! I am a creative person and I want to be a designer. I started to learn design when I studied in associate degree in Hong Kong. After I finished my associate degree, I went to Queensland University of Technology study animation in Brisbane. Working hard to become all-rounded artist.



I want to become all-rounded artist in the future.

Queen Elizabeth School Old Students' Association Secondary School 6年間

Visual Art tutor(副業)現在

- 現在

Being an art tutor, I have to communicate to students which understand their ideas and concept of the artwork. Also, I teach drawing skills and technique of Visual Art examination.

Queensland University of Technology3年間

Bachelor of Fine Art (Animation)


I studied two years animation in QUT. Through these two years, I learnt how to engage in animation industry which draw storyboard and character design of 2D and 3D animation.

Community College of City University (CCCU)3年間

Associate Degree of Digital Visual Design


Queen Elizabeth School Old Students' Association Secondary School 7年間

Form Six



  • 英語 - 日常会話レベル
  • 広東語 - ネイティブレベル
